The significance of 'Shri Sai Satcharitra' (written by C.B Satpathy) are : -
This is the first and foremost book based on the life-story of Shri Sai Baba, which was originally composed in Marathi verse form. The writing of the book started in the lifetime of Baba with his blessings.
The Hindi translation of this book is in simple Hindi language, which can be understood even by a common man.
The divine truth imparted by this book is even greater than the knowledge contained in the Vedas and Geeta, because all the characters and events in it are real and authentic as also recorded in details by many devotees.
Because of the expression in simple Hindi it is easy even for every one to comprehend it. Today there are very few people who can understand Sanskrit language properly and absorb the meaning and substance easily.
The spiritual essence contained in all the religious scriptures like Vedas, Geeta, Yoga Vashisht is found in the life-story of Shri Sainath.
The concepts on God and spirituality are explained in such a simple yet comprehensive manner in 'Shri Sai Satcharitra' that no additional book, or commentary etc. is required to understand it. It has a natural flow of which the readers starts feeling as if they had been closely associated with its events in their past life.
I may mention here that the glory of Shri Sai is spreading in the world, far and wide, in such an amazing way that detailed information at the web sites on Internet about Shri Sai and 'Shri Sai Satcharitra' is available for interested readers.
The foremost duty of a Sai devotee is therefore to read 'Shri Sai Satcharitra' and absorb it by heart if possible. The more they read this book, the more it will bring them closer to Baba and all their doubts and apprehensions will be cleared.
It also has been experienced that during crisis if any devotee is searching for an answer, if he randomly opens of 'Shri Sai Satcharitra' praying Baba sincerely and with faith his answer can be found in that open page.
Many people have got their desired benefits after reading 'Shri Sai Satcharitra' for a week in a parayana form.
Therefore, 'Shri Sai Satcharitra' should be utilized by all Sai devotees in the following manner:
Get the book, 'Shri Sai Satcharitra' in whatever language one chooses to read. Neatly wrap it up in a piece of new cloth, and place it near Baba's photograph or idol with due sanctity.
Whether at home or elsewhere, one should always read a few pages of the book every night before going to sleep. Every devotee should try to keep Baba as the last thought before sleep.
During crisis it should be read devotionally for a week, as is mentioned in 'Shri Sai Satcharitra'. If possible, reading should begin on a Thursday or on some other special day, such as Ramnavami, Dussehra, Gurupurnima, Janmashtmi, Mahashivratri, Navratri, etc. After it's completion on the seventh day one should feed the poor and destitute either in the temple/home or wherever possible.
One should read it sitting in some isolated corner in the temple or in front of Baba's statue or Photograph/painting. If other people are present, then it should be read to them or with them as well. Group reading should always be encouraged.
Wherever and whenever possible, it should be read continuously from sunrise to sunset in the temples on auspicious days. Devotees may be asked to read it by turn as is done in chanting the holy name i.e. Naamjap. Encourage children to read this book. Question answer competition from the "Shri Sai Satcharitra" can be organized in temples.
'Shri Sai Satcharitra' should be read to the devotees - sick, old aged and those nearing death as much as possible. All of them will get peace.
'Shri Sai Satcharitra' is a reasonably priced book and is easily available at Shirdi. Therefore, any devotee visiting Shirdi must bring a few copies with him to distribute among the deserving people free of cost.
At times, of distress and agony if one sincerely searches for the answers from 'Shri Sai Satcharitra' he will not only find the answers but also solace. His faith will grown in Baba. I pray Shri Sainath to reveal the divine knowledge and mysteries contained in this book to the devotees in the same manner in which he had inspired Hemandpant to write this book sitting in his heart. Shri Sai Satcharitra should be taken by all Sai devotees as Geeta and Bible.
Saturday, 15 October 2011
SAI Satcharitra chapter 3
Shri Sai Satcharitra
Chapter III
Sai Baba’s Sanction and Promise - Assignment of Work to Devotees - Baba’s Stories as Beacon - Light - His Motherly Love - Rohilla’s Story - His sweet and Nectar - like Words.
Sai Baba’s Sanction and Promise
As described in the previous chapter, Sai Baba gave His complete assent to the writing of the Sat-Charita and said, "I fully agree with you regarding the writing of Sat Charita. You do your duty, don’t be afraid in the least, steady your mind and have faith in My words. If my Leelas are written, the Avidya (nescience) will vanish and if they are attentively, and devoutly listened to, the consciousness of the worldly existence will abate, and strong waves of devotion, and love will rise up and if one dives deep into My Leelas, he would get precious jewels of knowledge."
Hearing this, author was much pleased, and he at once became fearless and confident, and thought that work was bound to be a success. Then turning to Shama (Madhavrao Deshpande) Sai Baba said.
"If a man utters My name with love, I shall fulfill all his wishes, increase his devotion. And if he sings earnestly My life and My deeds, him I shall beset in front and back and on all sides. Those devotees, who are attached to Me, heart and soul, will naturally feel happiness, when they hear these stories. Believe Me that if anybody sings My Leelas, I will give him infinite joy and everlasting contentment. It is My special characteristic to free any person, who surrenders completely to Me, and who does worship Me faithfully, and who remembers Me, and meditates on Me constantly. How can they be conscious of worldly objects and sensations, who utter My name, who worship Me, who think of My stories and My life and who thus always remember Me? I shall draw out My devotees from the jaws of Death. If My stories are listened to, all the diseases will be got rid of. So, hear My stories with respect; and think and meditate on them, assimilate them. This is the way of happiness and contentment. The pride and egoism of My devotees will vanish, the mind of the hearers will be set at rest; and if it has wholehearted and complete faith, it will be one with Supreme Consciousness. The simple remembrance of My name as ‘Sai, Sai’ will do away with sins of speech and hearing".
Different Works Assigned to Devotees
The Lord entrusts different works to different devotees. Some are given the work of building temples and maths, or ghats (flight of steps) on rivers; some are made to sing the glories of God; some are sent on pilgrimages; but to me was allotted the work of writing the Sat Charita. Being a jack of all trades but master of none, I was quite unqualified for this job. Then why should I undertake such a difficult job? Who can describe the true life of Sai Baba? Sai Baba’s grace alone can enable one to accomplish this difficult work. So, when I took up the pen in my hand, Sai Baba took away my egoism and wrote Himself His stories. The credit of relating these stories, therefore, goes to Him and not to me. Though Brahmin by birth, I lacked the two eyes. (i.e. the sight or vision) of Shruti and Smriti and therefore was not at all capable of writing the Sat-Charita, but the grace of the Lord makes a dumb man talk, enables a lame man to cross a mountain. He alone knows the knack of getting things done as He likes. Neither the flute, nor the harmonium knows how the sounds are produced. This is the concern of the Player. The oozing of Chandrakant jewel and the surging of the sea are not due to the jewel and the sea but to the rise of the moon.
Baba’s Stories as Beacon- Light
Light houses are constructed at various places in the sea, to enable the boatmen to avoid rocks and dangers, and make them sail safely. Sai Baba’s stories serve a similar purpose in the ocean of worldly existence. They surpass nectar in sweetness, and make our worldly path smooth and easy to traverse. Blessed are the stories of the saints. When they enter our hearts through the ears, the body - consciousness or egoism and the sense of duality vanish; and when they are stored in the heart, doubts fly out to all sides, pride of the body will fall, and wisdom will be stored in abundance. The description of Baba’s pure fame, and the hearing of the same, with love, will destroy the sins of the devotee and, therefore, this is the simple Sadhana for attaining salvation. The Sadhana for Krita Age was Shamadama (tranquillity of mind and body), for Treta Age, sacrifice, for Dwapara, worship, and for Kali (present) Age, it is singing of the name and glory of the Lord. This last Sadhana is open to all the people of the four varnas (Brahmins, etc.). The other Sadhanas, viz. Yoga, Yagya (sacrifice), Dhyana (meditation) and Dharana (concentration) are very difficult to practice, but singing and hearing the stories and the glory of the Lord (Sai Baba) is very easy. We have only to turn our attention towards them. The listening and singing of the stories will remove the attachment to the senses and their objects, and will make the devotees dispassionate, and will ultimately lead them to self-realization. With this end in view, Sai Baba made me or helped me to write His stories, Sat-Charitamrita. The devotees may now easily read and hear these stories of Sai Baba and while doing so, meditate on Him, His form and thus attain devotion to Guru and God (Sai Baba), get detachment and self-realization. In the preparation and writing of this work, Sat-Charitamrita, it is Sai Baba’s grace which has accomplished everything, making use of me as a mere instrument.
Motherly Love of Sai Baba
Everybody knows how a cow loves her infant calf. Her udder is always full and when the calf wants milk and dashes at the udder, out comes the milk in an unceasing flow. Similarly a human mother knows the wants of her child and feeds it, at her breast in time. In case of dressing and adorning the child, the mother takes particular care to see that this is well done. The child knows or cares nothing about this, but the mother’s joy knows no bounds, when she sees her child beautifully dressed and adorned. The love of mother is peculiar, extraordinary and disinterested, and has no parallel. Sadgurus feel this motherly love towards their disciples. Sai Baba had this same love towards me, and I give an instance of it below:-
In 1916 A.D. I retired from Government Service. The pension that was settled in my case was not sufficient to maintain my family decently. On Guru-Pournima (15th of Ashadha) day of that year, I went to Shirdi with other devotees. There, Mr. Anna Chinchanikar, of his own accord, prayed to Baba for me as follows:- "Please look kindly on him, the pension he gets is quite insufficient, his family is growing. Give him some other appointment, remove his anxiety and make him happy." Baba replied - " He will get some other job, but now he should serve Me and be happy. His dishes will be ever full and never empty. He should turn all his attention towards Me and avoid the company of atheists, irreligious and wicked people. He should be meek and humble towards all and worship Me heart and soul. If he does this, he will get eternal happiness".
The question Who is this HE, Whose worship is advocated, is already answered in a note on "Who is Sai Baba" in the prologue, at the beginning of this work.
Rohilla’s Story
The story of the Rohilla illustrates Sai Baba’s all embracing love. One Rohilla, tall and well-built, strong as a bull, came to Shirdi, wearing a long Kafni (robe) and was enamoured of Sai who stayed there. Day and night he used to recite in a loud and harsh tone Kalma (verses from Holy Koran) and shout "ALLAH HO AKBAR" (God is Great). Most people of Shirdi, were working in their fields by day and when they returned to their homes at night, they were welcomed with the Rohilla’s harsh cries and shouts. They could get no sleep and felt much trouble and inconvenience. They suffered in silence this nuisance for some days, and when they could stand it no longer, they approached Baba, and requested Him to check the Rohilla and stop the nuisance. Baba did not attend to their complaint. On the contrary, Baba took the villagers to task, and asked them to mind their own business, and not the Rohilla. He said to them that the Rohilla had got a very bad wife, a Zantippi, who tried to come in and trouble the Rohilla and Himself; but hearing the Rohilla’s prayers, she dare not enter and they were at peace and happy. In fact, the Rohilla had no wife and by his wife Baba meant DURBUDDHI, i.e. bad thoughts. As Baba liked prayers and cries to God better than anything else, He took the side of the Rohilla, and asked the villagers to wait and suffer the nuisance, which would abate in due course.
Baba’s Sweet and Nectar-like Words
One day at noon after the Arti, devotees were returning to their lodgings, when Baba gave the following beautiful advice:-
"Be wherever you like, do whatever you choose, remember this well that all what you do is known to Me. I am the Inner Ruler of all and seated in their hearts. I envelope all the creatures, the movable and immovable world. I am the Controller - the wire-puller of the show of this Universe. I am the mother - origin of all beings - the Harmony of three Gunas, the propeller of all senses, the Creator, Preserver and Destroyer. Nothing will harm him, who turns his attention towards Me, but Maya will lash or whip him who forgets Me. All the insects, ants, the visible, movable and immovable world, is My Body or Form".
Hearing these beautiful and precious words, I at once decided in my mind to serve no man henceforward, but my Guru only; but the reply of Baba to Anna Chinchanikar’s query (which was really mine) that I would get some job, began to revolve in my mind, and I began to think whether it would come to happen. As future events showed, Baba’s words came true and I got a Government job, but that was of short duration. Then I became free and solely devoted my self to the service of my Guru-Sai Baba.
Before concluding this Chapter, I request the readers to leave out the various hindrances viz. indolence, sleep, wandering of mind, attachments to senses, etc. and turn their whole and undivided attention to these stories of Sai Baba. Let their love be natural, let them know the secret of devotion; let them not exhaust themselves by other Sadhanas, let them stick to this one simple remedy, i.e. listening to Sai Baba’s stories. This will destroy their ignorance and will secure for them salvation. A miser may stay at various places; but he always thinks of his buried treasure. So let Sai Baba be enthroned in the hearts of all.
In the next chapter, I shall speak of Sai Baba’s advent in Shirdi.
Bow to Shri Sai - Peace be to all
Chapter III
Sai Baba’s Sanction and Promise - Assignment of Work to Devotees - Baba’s Stories as Beacon - Light - His Motherly Love - Rohilla’s Story - His sweet and Nectar - like Words.
Sai Baba’s Sanction and Promise
As described in the previous chapter, Sai Baba gave His complete assent to the writing of the Sat-Charita and said, "I fully agree with you regarding the writing of Sat Charita. You do your duty, don’t be afraid in the least, steady your mind and have faith in My words. If my Leelas are written, the Avidya (nescience) will vanish and if they are attentively, and devoutly listened to, the consciousness of the worldly existence will abate, and strong waves of devotion, and love will rise up and if one dives deep into My Leelas, he would get precious jewels of knowledge."
Hearing this, author was much pleased, and he at once became fearless and confident, and thought that work was bound to be a success. Then turning to Shama (Madhavrao Deshpande) Sai Baba said.
"If a man utters My name with love, I shall fulfill all his wishes, increase his devotion. And if he sings earnestly My life and My deeds, him I shall beset in front and back and on all sides. Those devotees, who are attached to Me, heart and soul, will naturally feel happiness, when they hear these stories. Believe Me that if anybody sings My Leelas, I will give him infinite joy and everlasting contentment. It is My special characteristic to free any person, who surrenders completely to Me, and who does worship Me faithfully, and who remembers Me, and meditates on Me constantly. How can they be conscious of worldly objects and sensations, who utter My name, who worship Me, who think of My stories and My life and who thus always remember Me? I shall draw out My devotees from the jaws of Death. If My stories are listened to, all the diseases will be got rid of. So, hear My stories with respect; and think and meditate on them, assimilate them. This is the way of happiness and contentment. The pride and egoism of My devotees will vanish, the mind of the hearers will be set at rest; and if it has wholehearted and complete faith, it will be one with Supreme Consciousness. The simple remembrance of My name as ‘Sai, Sai’ will do away with sins of speech and hearing".
Different Works Assigned to Devotees
The Lord entrusts different works to different devotees. Some are given the work of building temples and maths, or ghats (flight of steps) on rivers; some are made to sing the glories of God; some are sent on pilgrimages; but to me was allotted the work of writing the Sat Charita. Being a jack of all trades but master of none, I was quite unqualified for this job. Then why should I undertake such a difficult job? Who can describe the true life of Sai Baba? Sai Baba’s grace alone can enable one to accomplish this difficult work. So, when I took up the pen in my hand, Sai Baba took away my egoism and wrote Himself His stories. The credit of relating these stories, therefore, goes to Him and not to me. Though Brahmin by birth, I lacked the two eyes. (i.e. the sight or vision) of Shruti and Smriti and therefore was not at all capable of writing the Sat-Charita, but the grace of the Lord makes a dumb man talk, enables a lame man to cross a mountain. He alone knows the knack of getting things done as He likes. Neither the flute, nor the harmonium knows how the sounds are produced. This is the concern of the Player. The oozing of Chandrakant jewel and the surging of the sea are not due to the jewel and the sea but to the rise of the moon.
Baba’s Stories as Beacon- Light
Light houses are constructed at various places in the sea, to enable the boatmen to avoid rocks and dangers, and make them sail safely. Sai Baba’s stories serve a similar purpose in the ocean of worldly existence. They surpass nectar in sweetness, and make our worldly path smooth and easy to traverse. Blessed are the stories of the saints. When they enter our hearts through the ears, the body - consciousness or egoism and the sense of duality vanish; and when they are stored in the heart, doubts fly out to all sides, pride of the body will fall, and wisdom will be stored in abundance. The description of Baba’s pure fame, and the hearing of the same, with love, will destroy the sins of the devotee and, therefore, this is the simple Sadhana for attaining salvation. The Sadhana for Krita Age was Shamadama (tranquillity of mind and body), for Treta Age, sacrifice, for Dwapara, worship, and for Kali (present) Age, it is singing of the name and glory of the Lord. This last Sadhana is open to all the people of the four varnas (Brahmins, etc.). The other Sadhanas, viz. Yoga, Yagya (sacrifice), Dhyana (meditation) and Dharana (concentration) are very difficult to practice, but singing and hearing the stories and the glory of the Lord (Sai Baba) is very easy. We have only to turn our attention towards them. The listening and singing of the stories will remove the attachment to the senses and their objects, and will make the devotees dispassionate, and will ultimately lead them to self-realization. With this end in view, Sai Baba made me or helped me to write His stories, Sat-Charitamrita. The devotees may now easily read and hear these stories of Sai Baba and while doing so, meditate on Him, His form and thus attain devotion to Guru and God (Sai Baba), get detachment and self-realization. In the preparation and writing of this work, Sat-Charitamrita, it is Sai Baba’s grace which has accomplished everything, making use of me as a mere instrument.
Motherly Love of Sai Baba
Everybody knows how a cow loves her infant calf. Her udder is always full and when the calf wants milk and dashes at the udder, out comes the milk in an unceasing flow. Similarly a human mother knows the wants of her child and feeds it, at her breast in time. In case of dressing and adorning the child, the mother takes particular care to see that this is well done. The child knows or cares nothing about this, but the mother’s joy knows no bounds, when she sees her child beautifully dressed and adorned. The love of mother is peculiar, extraordinary and disinterested, and has no parallel. Sadgurus feel this motherly love towards their disciples. Sai Baba had this same love towards me, and I give an instance of it below:-
In 1916 A.D. I retired from Government Service. The pension that was settled in my case was not sufficient to maintain my family decently. On Guru-Pournima (15th of Ashadha) day of that year, I went to Shirdi with other devotees. There, Mr. Anna Chinchanikar, of his own accord, prayed to Baba for me as follows:- "Please look kindly on him, the pension he gets is quite insufficient, his family is growing. Give him some other appointment, remove his anxiety and make him happy." Baba replied - " He will get some other job, but now he should serve Me and be happy. His dishes will be ever full and never empty. He should turn all his attention towards Me and avoid the company of atheists, irreligious and wicked people. He should be meek and humble towards all and worship Me heart and soul. If he does this, he will get eternal happiness".
The question Who is this HE, Whose worship is advocated, is already answered in a note on "Who is Sai Baba" in the prologue, at the beginning of this work.
Rohilla’s Story
The story of the Rohilla illustrates Sai Baba’s all embracing love. One Rohilla, tall and well-built, strong as a bull, came to Shirdi, wearing a long Kafni (robe) and was enamoured of Sai who stayed there. Day and night he used to recite in a loud and harsh tone Kalma (verses from Holy Koran) and shout "ALLAH HO AKBAR" (God is Great). Most people of Shirdi, were working in their fields by day and when they returned to their homes at night, they were welcomed with the Rohilla’s harsh cries and shouts. They could get no sleep and felt much trouble and inconvenience. They suffered in silence this nuisance for some days, and when they could stand it no longer, they approached Baba, and requested Him to check the Rohilla and stop the nuisance. Baba did not attend to their complaint. On the contrary, Baba took the villagers to task, and asked them to mind their own business, and not the Rohilla. He said to them that the Rohilla had got a very bad wife, a Zantippi, who tried to come in and trouble the Rohilla and Himself; but hearing the Rohilla’s prayers, she dare not enter and they were at peace and happy. In fact, the Rohilla had no wife and by his wife Baba meant DURBUDDHI, i.e. bad thoughts. As Baba liked prayers and cries to God better than anything else, He took the side of the Rohilla, and asked the villagers to wait and suffer the nuisance, which would abate in due course.
Baba’s Sweet and Nectar-like Words
One day at noon after the Arti, devotees were returning to their lodgings, when Baba gave the following beautiful advice:-
"Be wherever you like, do whatever you choose, remember this well that all what you do is known to Me. I am the Inner Ruler of all and seated in their hearts. I envelope all the creatures, the movable and immovable world. I am the Controller - the wire-puller of the show of this Universe. I am the mother - origin of all beings - the Harmony of three Gunas, the propeller of all senses, the Creator, Preserver and Destroyer. Nothing will harm him, who turns his attention towards Me, but Maya will lash or whip him who forgets Me. All the insects, ants, the visible, movable and immovable world, is My Body or Form".
Hearing these beautiful and precious words, I at once decided in my mind to serve no man henceforward, but my Guru only; but the reply of Baba to Anna Chinchanikar’s query (which was really mine) that I would get some job, began to revolve in my mind, and I began to think whether it would come to happen. As future events showed, Baba’s words came true and I got a Government job, but that was of short duration. Then I became free and solely devoted my self to the service of my Guru-Sai Baba.
Before concluding this Chapter, I request the readers to leave out the various hindrances viz. indolence, sleep, wandering of mind, attachments to senses, etc. and turn their whole and undivided attention to these stories of Sai Baba. Let their love be natural, let them know the secret of devotion; let them not exhaust themselves by other Sadhanas, let them stick to this one simple remedy, i.e. listening to Sai Baba’s stories. This will destroy their ignorance and will secure for them salvation. A miser may stay at various places; but he always thinks of his buried treasure. So let Sai Baba be enthroned in the hearts of all.
In the next chapter, I shall speak of Sai Baba’s advent in Shirdi.
Bow to Shri Sai - Peace be to all
Friday, 14 October 2011
1 Aarthi Sai Baba
Composed By:: Shri Madhavrao Vamanrao Adkar
Aarti Sai Baba, saukhyadaataara jeeva. Charana rajaatalee
Dhyaava daasaan visaawaa, bhaktaa visaawaa. Aarti Sai Baba
Jaaluniyaan aananng swaswaroopee raahe dhanga
Mumukshu janaan daavee nija dolaan Sreeranga, dolaan Sreeranga Aarti Sai Baba
Jayaa manee jaisaa bhaava tayaa taisaa anubhava
Daawisee dayaaghanaa aisee tujzee hee maava tujzeeheemaava Aarti Sai Baba
Tumache naama dhyaataan hare sansrithi vyathaa
Agaadha tava karanee maarga daawisee anaadhaa,daawisee anaadhaa Aarti Sai Baba
Kaliyugee avataara saguna parabrahm saachara
Avateerna jhaalase swami Datta digambara, Datta digambara Aarti Sai Baba
Aattan divasaan guruwaaree bhakta karitee waaree
Prabhupada pahaavayaa bhavabhaya niwaree, bhaya niwaree Aarti Sai Baba:
Maajan nija dravya tteewaa tav charan rajasevaa
Maagane hechiyaataa tumhan devaadhideva, Devaadhideva Aarti Sai Baba
Ichchita deena chaatak nirmala toya nijasookha
Paajaawe maadhavaa yaa saambhal aapulee bhaaka, aapulee bhaaka Aarti ...
2 Abhang
Composed By:: Shri Dasganu Maharaj
Shirdee maajze Pandharapura Saibaba Ramaavara
Baba Ramaavara, Sai Baba Ramaavara
Shuddha bhaktee chandrabhaabagaa, Bhaava pundaleeka jaagaa
pundaleeka jaagaa. Bhaava pundaleeka jaagaa
Yaa ho yaa ho avaghe jana karaa Babaansee vandana.
Saisi vandana karoo Babaansee vandana
Ganu mhane Baba Sayee. Dhaava paava maajze aayee
paava maajze aayee. Dhaava paava maajze aayee
3 Naman
{ A garland of traditional prayers
Ghaaleena lotaangana vandeen charana Dolyanee paaheen roop tujze
Preme aalingana aanande poojin, Bhave oowaalina mhane Naamaa.
Tvameva maataa cha pitaa tvameva Tvameva bandhuscha sakhaa tvameva
Tvameva vidyaa dravinam tvameva, Tvameva servam mama Devadeva.
Kaayena vaachaa manasrendriyaiarwan Budhyatmanaa vaa prakriti swabhavaat
Karomi yadyatsakalam parasmai, Narayanaayeti samarpayaami
Acyutam Keshavam Raamanaaraayanam Krishnadaamodaram Vaasudevam Harim
Shreedharam Maadhavam Gopikaa Vallabham, Jaanakeenaayakam Raamachandram Bhaje.
Hare Rama, Hare Rama. Rama Rama Hare Hare
Hare Krishna, Hare Krishna. Krishna Krishna Hare Hare. X3
Shri Gurudeva Datta.
4 Namaskaaraastak
Composed By :: Shri Mohani Raj
Anantaa tulaa ten kase re sthavaave, Anantaa tulaa ten kase re namaave
Anantaa mukhaanchaa shine shesh gaataan, Namaskaar saashtaang Shri Sainaatha.
Smaraave hmanee twatpadaa nitya bhaave, Wurave taree bhaktisaattee swabhaave
Tarave jagaa taarunee maaya taataa,Namaskaar saashtaang Shri Sainaatha.
Vase jo sadaa daavayaa santleela, Dise agna lokaanparee jo janaalaa
Paree antaree gnaana kaiwalya daataa, Namaskaar saashtaang Shri Sainaatha.
Baraa laadhalaa janma haa maanvaachaa Naraa saarthakaa saadhaneebhuta saacha
Dharoon Sayeepremaa galaayaa ahantaa, Namaskaar saashtaang Shri Sainaatha.
Dharave karee saana alpagna baala, Karaave amhaa dhanya chumboni gaalaa
Mukhee gala preme karaa graas aataan, Namaskaar saashtaang Shri Sainaatha.
Suraadeeka jyaanchyaa padaa vanditaantee, Sukadeeka jyaante samaanatva detee
Prayagaadi teerthen padee nasmra hotaa, Namaskaar saashtaang Shri Sainaatha.
Tujhyaa jhya padaa paahtan gopabaalee, Sadaa rangalee chitswaroopee milaalee
Karee raasakreedaa save Krishna naathaa, Namaskaar saashtaang Shri Sainaatha.
Tulaa maahato maagane eka dhyaave, Karaa jodito deena atyanta bhaave
Bhavee mohaneeraaja haa taari aataan, Namaskaar saashtaang Shri Sainaatha.
5 Aisaa eyee baa
Aisaa eyee baa – Sayee digambaraa – Akshyaya roopa avataara
Sarvahi vyapaka too – Shrutisaara – anusayaatrikumaaraa – Aisaa eyee baa!
Kaashee snaana japa – pratidivashee – Kolhapura bhikshesee – nirmala nadi tungaa
Jala praasee – Nidra maahur deshee - Aisaa eyee baa
Jzholee lombatase vaamakaree – trishoola damaroo dhari
Bhakta varada sadaa sukhakaaree Deseel mukti charee - Aisaa eyee baa
Paayee paadukaa japamaala – kamandaloo – Mrigacchalaa – dhaarana kariseebaa
Naagajataa – Mukuta sobhato maathaa - Aisaa eyee baa
Tatpara tujyaa je dhyaanee – akshyaya Thyaanche sadhanee – Lakshmeevasa karee
Dinarajanee – Rakshisi sankat vaaruni - Aisaa eyee baa
Yaa pari dhyaana tujze gururaayaa – Drishya karee nayanaan yaa
Poornaananda sukhe hee kaayaa – Laavise hariguna gaayaa - Aisaa eyee….
6 Shri Sainatha Mahimna Strotrama
Composed By :: Shri Upasani Baba Maharaj
Sadaa satswaroopam chidaananda kandam
Jagat sambhavasthaana samhaara hetum
Swabhaktechhayaa maanusham darsayantam
Nameeswaram Sadgurum Sainaatham.
Bhavadwaantha vidhwamsa maarthaanda meeddyam
manovaagateetam munir dhyana gamyam
Jagadvyapakam nirmalam nirgunam twaam
Nameeswaram Sadgurum Sainaatham.
Bhawaambhodi magnaarthitaanaam lanaanaam
Swapaadaasritaanaam swabhakti priyaanaam
Samuddhaaranaartham kalow sambhavantam
Nameeswaram Sadgurum Sainaatham.
Sadaa nimba vrikshasya mooladhivaasaat
Sudhaasravinam tiktamapya priyantam
Tarum kalpa vrikshaadhikam saadhayantam
Nameeswaram Sadgurum Sainaatham.
Sadaa kalpavrikshyasya tasyaadhi moole
Bhawadbhava budhyaa saparyaadisevaam
Nrinaam kurwataam bhukti mukti pradantam
Nameeswaram Sadgurum Sainaatham.
Anekaashrutaa tarkya leelaa vilaasaeih
Samaavishkruteshaana bhaasvat prabhaavam
Ahambhaava heenam prasannathma bhaawam
Nameeswaram Sadgurum Sainaatham.
Sataam Vishramaaraama mevaabhiraamam
sadaa sajjanaih samsthutam sannamadbhih
Janaamodadam bhakta bhadrapradantam
Nameeswaram Sadgurum Sainaatham.
Ajanmaadhyamekam param brahma saakshaat
Swayam sambhavam raamamevaavateernam
Bhawadharshanaathsam puneetah praboham
Nameeswaram Sadgurum Sainaatham.
Sree Sayeesa kripaanidhe akhilanrinaam sarwaartha siddhi prada
Yushmatpaadarajah prabahavamatulam dhaataapi vaktaakshhamah
Sadbhakthyaa saranam kritaan jali putah samprapthithosmi prabho
Shrimath Sayi paresa paada kamalaa naanya ccharanyam mama
Sayiroopadhara raaghavottamam, Bhakta kaama vibhuda dhrumam prabhum
Maayayopahata chitta shudhayae, Chintayaamyahamaharnisam mudaa
Sharat sudhaamsu pratrima prakaasam, kripatapaatram tava Sainaatha
Twadeeya paadaabja samaashritaanaam, Swachhaayayaa taapamapaa karothu
Upaasanaa Daivata Sainaatha, Sthavairmayopaasaninaasthu sthatwam
Ramenmaromne tava paadayugme bhrungo, Yathaabji makarmda lubdhah
Aneka janmaarjita paapasamkshayo, Bhavet bhawatpaada saroja darshanaat
Kshamaswa sarvaanaparaadha poonjakaan, praseeda Sayeesa Sadguro dayaanidhe
Sri Sainatha charanaamrita putachithaah, Sthwatpaada seva natrataah satatamcha bhaktyaa
Samsaara janya duritaagha vinirgataaste, kaivalya dhaama paramam samavaapnuvanti
Strotrame tatpatte bhakthyaa yonara athanmanaahsadaa
Sadguroh Sainaadhasya kripa paatram bhaveddhruham.
7 Guru Prasada Yachanaastakam
Composed By:: B.V.Dev
Ruso mama priyaambikaa majavaree pitahee ruso
Ruso mama priyaangana priyasutaatmajaahee ruso
Ruso bhagini bandhuhee swasura saasubayee ruso
Na datta Guru Saayima majavaree kadheenhee ruso
Puso na sunabayee tyaa maja na bhratrujaayaa puso
Puso na priya soyare priya sage na gnateen puso
Puso suhrida naa sakhaa swajana naapta bandhu puso
Paree na Guru Saayima majavaree ksdheenhee ruso.
Puso na abalaa mulen tarun vriddhahee naa puso
Puso na Guru Dhakute maja na thor saane puso
Puso nacha bhale bure sujan sadhuheen naa puso
Paree na Guru Saayima majavaree ksdheenhee ruso
Ruso chatura tatwavit vibhudha praagna jnaanee ruso
Rusohi vidushee striyaa kushal panditaahee ruso
Ruso mahipatee yatee bhajak taapaseehe ruso
Na Datta Guru Saayima majavaree kadheenhee ruso
Ruso kavi rishee munee anagha siddha yogee ruso
Ruso hi grihadevataa ni kula grama Devee ruso
Ruso khala pishaascahee malin dhakineehee ruso
Na Datta Guru Saayima majavaree kadheenhee ruso
Ruso mriga khaga krimi akhila jeeva jantu ruso
Ruso vitap prastaraa achal aapagaabdhee ruso
Ruso kha pavan naagni vaar avani panchatathwe ruso
Na Datta Guru Saayima majavaree kadheenhee ruso
Ruso vimal kinnaraa amala yakshineehee ruso
Ruso shashi khagaadihee gagani taarakaahee ruso
Ruso amararaajahee adaya dharmaraajaa ruso
Na Datta Guru Saayima majavaree kadheenhee ruso
Ruso mana Saraawatee chapala chitta tehee ruso
Ruso vapu dishaakhilaa kattina kaal tohee ruso
Ruso sakal vishwahee mayi tu brahma golaaM ruso
Na Datta Guru Saayima majavaree kadheenhee ruso
Vimoodha hmanoonee haso majana matsaraahee daso
Padaabhi ruchi ulhasoh janan kardamee naa phaso
Na durga dhriticha dhaso ashivbhaav maage khaso
Prapanchi manahe ruso dridda virakti chitee ttaso
Kunaachihi grinaa naso na cha sprihaa kashaachee aso
Sadaiva hridayee vaso manasi dhyani Sayee vaso
Padee pranaya voraso nikhila drishya baabaa diso
Na Dattaguru Saayima upari yaachneela ruso.
8 Mantra Pushpam
Hari Om yagnena yagnamayajanta devaastaani dharmaani prathamaabyaasan
Tehanakam mahimaanah sachanta yatra poorve sadhyaa santi Devaah;
Aum rajaadhiraajaaya prasahya saahine namo vayam Vaishravanaaya kurmahe
Sa me kaaman kaama kaamaya mahyam kameswaro Vaishravano tathatu.
Kuberaraya Vaishravanaaya Mahaaraajaaya namah.
Om swasti saamrajyam bhojyam swaaraajyam vairaajyam, paarameshtyam
Raajyam mahaarajya maadhi patya mayam Samantaparyaa yeesyat
Saarvabhoumah saarvayushya aantaadaaparaaraadhaat prithivyai
Samudraparyanthaayaa ekaraalithi
Tadapyesha slokobhigeeto marutah parivestaaro marutah pariveshtaaro
maruttasyaavasan gruhe Avikshitasya kamaprer Visvedevaah sabhaa sada ithi
Shri Naarayana Vaasudevaaya Sri saccidananda Sadguru Saiñatha Maharaja ki Jaya
Karacharanakritam vaakkaayajam karmajam vaa
Shravananayanajam vaa maanasam vaaparadham
Viditamaviditam vaa sarvame tatshkamasva
Jaya Jaya karunaabdhe shri pabho Sainaatha.
Shri Naarayana Vaasudevaaya Sri saccidananda Sadguru Saiñatha Maharaja ki Jaya
Shri Satchitaanand Sadguru Sainaath Maharaaj ki
Raajaadhiraaja Yogiraaja ParaBrahma Sainaath Maharaaj
Shri Satchitananda Sadguru Sainath Maharaaj Ki Jai
Composed By:: Shri Madhavrao Vamanrao Adkar
Aarti Sai Baba, saukhyadaataara jeeva. Charana rajaatalee
Dhyaava daasaan visaawaa, bhaktaa visaawaa. Aarti Sai Baba
Jaaluniyaan aananng swaswaroopee raahe dhanga
Mumukshu janaan daavee nija dolaan Sreeranga, dolaan Sreeranga Aarti Sai Baba
Jayaa manee jaisaa bhaava tayaa taisaa anubhava
Daawisee dayaaghanaa aisee tujzee hee maava tujzeeheemaava Aarti Sai Baba
Tumache naama dhyaataan hare sansrithi vyathaa
Agaadha tava karanee maarga daawisee anaadhaa,daawisee anaadhaa Aarti Sai Baba
Kaliyugee avataara saguna parabrahm saachara
Avateerna jhaalase swami Datta digambara, Datta digambara Aarti Sai Baba
Aattan divasaan guruwaaree bhakta karitee waaree
Prabhupada pahaavayaa bhavabhaya niwaree, bhaya niwaree Aarti Sai Baba:
Maajan nija dravya tteewaa tav charan rajasevaa
Maagane hechiyaataa tumhan devaadhideva, Devaadhideva Aarti Sai Baba
Ichchita deena chaatak nirmala toya nijasookha
Paajaawe maadhavaa yaa saambhal aapulee bhaaka, aapulee bhaaka Aarti ...
2 Abhang
Composed By:: Shri Dasganu Maharaj
Shirdee maajze Pandharapura Saibaba Ramaavara
Baba Ramaavara, Sai Baba Ramaavara
Shuddha bhaktee chandrabhaabagaa, Bhaava pundaleeka jaagaa
pundaleeka jaagaa. Bhaava pundaleeka jaagaa
Yaa ho yaa ho avaghe jana karaa Babaansee vandana.
Saisi vandana karoo Babaansee vandana
Ganu mhane Baba Sayee. Dhaava paava maajze aayee
paava maajze aayee. Dhaava paava maajze aayee
3 Naman
{ A garland of traditional prayers
Ghaaleena lotaangana vandeen charana Dolyanee paaheen roop tujze
Preme aalingana aanande poojin, Bhave oowaalina mhane Naamaa.
Tvameva maataa cha pitaa tvameva Tvameva bandhuscha sakhaa tvameva
Tvameva vidyaa dravinam tvameva, Tvameva servam mama Devadeva.
Kaayena vaachaa manasrendriyaiarwan Budhyatmanaa vaa prakriti swabhavaat
Karomi yadyatsakalam parasmai, Narayanaayeti samarpayaami
Acyutam Keshavam Raamanaaraayanam Krishnadaamodaram Vaasudevam Harim
Shreedharam Maadhavam Gopikaa Vallabham, Jaanakeenaayakam Raamachandram Bhaje.
Hare Rama, Hare Rama. Rama Rama Hare Hare
Hare Krishna, Hare Krishna. Krishna Krishna Hare Hare. X3
Shri Gurudeva Datta.
4 Namaskaaraastak
Composed By :: Shri Mohani Raj
Anantaa tulaa ten kase re sthavaave, Anantaa tulaa ten kase re namaave
Anantaa mukhaanchaa shine shesh gaataan, Namaskaar saashtaang Shri Sainaatha.
Smaraave hmanee twatpadaa nitya bhaave, Wurave taree bhaktisaattee swabhaave
Tarave jagaa taarunee maaya taataa,Namaskaar saashtaang Shri Sainaatha.
Vase jo sadaa daavayaa santleela, Dise agna lokaanparee jo janaalaa
Paree antaree gnaana kaiwalya daataa, Namaskaar saashtaang Shri Sainaatha.
Baraa laadhalaa janma haa maanvaachaa Naraa saarthakaa saadhaneebhuta saacha
Dharoon Sayeepremaa galaayaa ahantaa, Namaskaar saashtaang Shri Sainaatha.
Dharave karee saana alpagna baala, Karaave amhaa dhanya chumboni gaalaa
Mukhee gala preme karaa graas aataan, Namaskaar saashtaang Shri Sainaatha.
Suraadeeka jyaanchyaa padaa vanditaantee, Sukadeeka jyaante samaanatva detee
Prayagaadi teerthen padee nasmra hotaa, Namaskaar saashtaang Shri Sainaatha.
Tujhyaa jhya padaa paahtan gopabaalee, Sadaa rangalee chitswaroopee milaalee
Karee raasakreedaa save Krishna naathaa, Namaskaar saashtaang Shri Sainaatha.
Tulaa maahato maagane eka dhyaave, Karaa jodito deena atyanta bhaave
Bhavee mohaneeraaja haa taari aataan, Namaskaar saashtaang Shri Sainaatha.
5 Aisaa eyee baa
Aisaa eyee baa – Sayee digambaraa – Akshyaya roopa avataara
Sarvahi vyapaka too – Shrutisaara – anusayaatrikumaaraa – Aisaa eyee baa!
Kaashee snaana japa – pratidivashee – Kolhapura bhikshesee – nirmala nadi tungaa
Jala praasee – Nidra maahur deshee - Aisaa eyee baa
Jzholee lombatase vaamakaree – trishoola damaroo dhari
Bhakta varada sadaa sukhakaaree Deseel mukti charee - Aisaa eyee baa
Paayee paadukaa japamaala – kamandaloo – Mrigacchalaa – dhaarana kariseebaa
Naagajataa – Mukuta sobhato maathaa - Aisaa eyee baa
Tatpara tujyaa je dhyaanee – akshyaya Thyaanche sadhanee – Lakshmeevasa karee
Dinarajanee – Rakshisi sankat vaaruni - Aisaa eyee baa
Yaa pari dhyaana tujze gururaayaa – Drishya karee nayanaan yaa
Poornaananda sukhe hee kaayaa – Laavise hariguna gaayaa - Aisaa eyee….
6 Shri Sainatha Mahimna Strotrama
Composed By :: Shri Upasani Baba Maharaj
Sadaa satswaroopam chidaananda kandam
Jagat sambhavasthaana samhaara hetum
Swabhaktechhayaa maanusham darsayantam
Nameeswaram Sadgurum Sainaatham.
Bhavadwaantha vidhwamsa maarthaanda meeddyam
manovaagateetam munir dhyana gamyam
Jagadvyapakam nirmalam nirgunam twaam
Nameeswaram Sadgurum Sainaatham.
Bhawaambhodi magnaarthitaanaam lanaanaam
Swapaadaasritaanaam swabhakti priyaanaam
Samuddhaaranaartham kalow sambhavantam
Nameeswaram Sadgurum Sainaatham.
Sadaa nimba vrikshasya mooladhivaasaat
Sudhaasravinam tiktamapya priyantam
Tarum kalpa vrikshaadhikam saadhayantam
Nameeswaram Sadgurum Sainaatham.
Sadaa kalpavrikshyasya tasyaadhi moole
Bhawadbhava budhyaa saparyaadisevaam
Nrinaam kurwataam bhukti mukti pradantam
Nameeswaram Sadgurum Sainaatham.
Anekaashrutaa tarkya leelaa vilaasaeih
Samaavishkruteshaana bhaasvat prabhaavam
Ahambhaava heenam prasannathma bhaawam
Nameeswaram Sadgurum Sainaatham.
Sataam Vishramaaraama mevaabhiraamam
sadaa sajjanaih samsthutam sannamadbhih
Janaamodadam bhakta bhadrapradantam
Nameeswaram Sadgurum Sainaatham.
Ajanmaadhyamekam param brahma saakshaat
Swayam sambhavam raamamevaavateernam
Bhawadharshanaathsam puneetah praboham
Nameeswaram Sadgurum Sainaatham.
Sree Sayeesa kripaanidhe akhilanrinaam sarwaartha siddhi prada
Yushmatpaadarajah prabahavamatulam dhaataapi vaktaakshhamah
Sadbhakthyaa saranam kritaan jali putah samprapthithosmi prabho
Shrimath Sayi paresa paada kamalaa naanya ccharanyam mama
Sayiroopadhara raaghavottamam, Bhakta kaama vibhuda dhrumam prabhum
Maayayopahata chitta shudhayae, Chintayaamyahamaharnisam mudaa
Sharat sudhaamsu pratrima prakaasam, kripatapaatram tava Sainaatha
Twadeeya paadaabja samaashritaanaam, Swachhaayayaa taapamapaa karothu
Upaasanaa Daivata Sainaatha, Sthavairmayopaasaninaasthu sthatwam
Ramenmaromne tava paadayugme bhrungo, Yathaabji makarmda lubdhah
Aneka janmaarjita paapasamkshayo, Bhavet bhawatpaada saroja darshanaat
Kshamaswa sarvaanaparaadha poonjakaan, praseeda Sayeesa Sadguro dayaanidhe
Sri Sainatha charanaamrita putachithaah, Sthwatpaada seva natrataah satatamcha bhaktyaa
Samsaara janya duritaagha vinirgataaste, kaivalya dhaama paramam samavaapnuvanti
Strotrame tatpatte bhakthyaa yonara athanmanaahsadaa
Sadguroh Sainaadhasya kripa paatram bhaveddhruham.
7 Guru Prasada Yachanaastakam
Composed By:: B.V.Dev
Ruso mama priyaambikaa majavaree pitahee ruso
Ruso mama priyaangana priyasutaatmajaahee ruso
Ruso bhagini bandhuhee swasura saasubayee ruso
Na datta Guru Saayima majavaree kadheenhee ruso
Puso na sunabayee tyaa maja na bhratrujaayaa puso
Puso na priya soyare priya sage na gnateen puso
Puso suhrida naa sakhaa swajana naapta bandhu puso
Paree na Guru Saayima majavaree ksdheenhee ruso.
Puso na abalaa mulen tarun vriddhahee naa puso
Puso na Guru Dhakute maja na thor saane puso
Puso nacha bhale bure sujan sadhuheen naa puso
Paree na Guru Saayima majavaree ksdheenhee ruso
Ruso chatura tatwavit vibhudha praagna jnaanee ruso
Rusohi vidushee striyaa kushal panditaahee ruso
Ruso mahipatee yatee bhajak taapaseehe ruso
Na Datta Guru Saayima majavaree kadheenhee ruso
Ruso kavi rishee munee anagha siddha yogee ruso
Ruso hi grihadevataa ni kula grama Devee ruso
Ruso khala pishaascahee malin dhakineehee ruso
Na Datta Guru Saayima majavaree kadheenhee ruso
Ruso mriga khaga krimi akhila jeeva jantu ruso
Ruso vitap prastaraa achal aapagaabdhee ruso
Ruso kha pavan naagni vaar avani panchatathwe ruso
Na Datta Guru Saayima majavaree kadheenhee ruso
Ruso vimal kinnaraa amala yakshineehee ruso
Ruso shashi khagaadihee gagani taarakaahee ruso
Ruso amararaajahee adaya dharmaraajaa ruso
Na Datta Guru Saayima majavaree kadheenhee ruso
Ruso mana Saraawatee chapala chitta tehee ruso
Ruso vapu dishaakhilaa kattina kaal tohee ruso
Ruso sakal vishwahee mayi tu brahma golaaM ruso
Na Datta Guru Saayima majavaree kadheenhee ruso
Vimoodha hmanoonee haso majana matsaraahee daso
Padaabhi ruchi ulhasoh janan kardamee naa phaso
Na durga dhriticha dhaso ashivbhaav maage khaso
Prapanchi manahe ruso dridda virakti chitee ttaso
Kunaachihi grinaa naso na cha sprihaa kashaachee aso
Sadaiva hridayee vaso manasi dhyani Sayee vaso
Padee pranaya voraso nikhila drishya baabaa diso
Na Dattaguru Saayima upari yaachneela ruso.
8 Mantra Pushpam
Hari Om yagnena yagnamayajanta devaastaani dharmaani prathamaabyaasan
Tehanakam mahimaanah sachanta yatra poorve sadhyaa santi Devaah;
Aum rajaadhiraajaaya prasahya saahine namo vayam Vaishravanaaya kurmahe
Sa me kaaman kaama kaamaya mahyam kameswaro Vaishravano tathatu.
Kuberaraya Vaishravanaaya Mahaaraajaaya namah.
Om swasti saamrajyam bhojyam swaaraajyam vairaajyam, paarameshtyam
Raajyam mahaarajya maadhi patya mayam Samantaparyaa yeesyat
Saarvabhoumah saarvayushya aantaadaaparaaraadhaat prithivyai
Samudraparyanthaayaa ekaraalithi
Tadapyesha slokobhigeeto marutah parivestaaro marutah pariveshtaaro
maruttasyaavasan gruhe Avikshitasya kamaprer Visvedevaah sabhaa sada ithi
Shri Naarayana Vaasudevaaya Sri saccidananda Sadguru Saiñatha Maharaja ki Jaya
Karacharanakritam vaakkaayajam karmajam vaa
Shravananayanajam vaa maanasam vaaparadham
Viditamaviditam vaa sarvame tatshkamasva
Jaya Jaya karunaabdhe shri pabho Sainaatha.
Shri Naarayana Vaasudevaaya Sri saccidananda Sadguru Saiñatha Maharaja ki Jaya
Shri Satchitaanand Sadguru Sainaath Maharaaj ki
Raajaadhiraaja Yogiraaja ParaBrahma Sainaath Maharaaj
Shri Satchitananda Sadguru Sainath Maharaaj Ki Jai
SAI Satcharitra chapter 2
Shri Sai Satcharitra
Chapter II
Object of Writing the Work - Incapacity and Boldness in the Undertaking - Hot Discussion - Conferring Significant and Prophetic Title of Hemadpant - Necessity of a Guru.
In the last Chapter, the author mentioned in the original Marathi book that he would state the reason that led him to undertake the work, and the persons qualified to read the same and such other points. Now in this chapter, he starts to tell the same.
Object of Writing the Work
In the first chapter, I described Sai Baba’s miracle of checking and destroying the epidemic of Cholera by grinding wheat and throwing the flour, on the outskirts of the village. I heard other miracles of Sai Baba to my great delight, and this delight burst forth into this poetic work. I also thought, that the description of these grand miracles of Sai Baba would be interesting, and instructive to His devotees; and would remove their sins, and so I began to write the sacred life and teachings of Sai Baba. The life of the saint is neither logical nor dialectical. It shows us the true and great path.
Incapacity and Boldness in Undertaking the Work
Hemadpant thought that he was not a fit person to undertake the work. He said, "I do not know the life of my intimate friend nor do I know my own mind, then how can I write the life of a saint or describe the nature of Incarnations, which even the Vedas were unable to do? One must be a saint himself, before he could know other saints, then how can I describe their glory? To write the life of a saint is the most difficult, though one may as well measure the depth of the water of the seven seas or enclose the sky with cloth-trappings. I knew, that this was the most venturous undertaking, which might expose me to ridicule. I, therefore, invoked Sai Baba’s grace.
The premier poet-saint of Maharashtra, Shri Jnaneshwar Maharaj, has stated that the Lord loves those who write the lives of saints; and the saints also have a peculiar method of their own of getting the service, which the devotees long for, successfully accomplished. The saints inspire the work, the devotee becomes only an indirect cause or instrument to achieve the end. For instance, in 1700 Shaka year, the poet Mahipati aspired to write the lives of saints. Saints inspired him, and got the work done; so also in 1800 Shaka year, Das Ganu’s service was accepted. The former wrote 4 works-Bhakta Vijaya, Santa Vijaya, Bhakta Leelamrit and Santa Kathamrit, while the latter wrote two - "Bhakta Leelamrit and Santa Kathamrit", in which the lives of modern Saints were described. In chapters 31,32,33 of Bhakta Leelamrit and in chapter 57 of Santa Kathamrit, the sweet life and teachings of Sai Baba are very well depicted. These have been separately published in Sai Leela Magazine, Nos. 11 and 12, Vol. 17; the readers are advised to read these chapters. So also Sai Baba’s wonderful Leelas are described in a small decent book named Shri Sainath Bhajana Mala by Mrs. Savitribai Raghunath Tendulkar of Bandra. Das-Ganu Maharaj also has composed various sweet poems on Sai Baba. A devotee named Amidas Bhavani Mehta, has also published some stories of Sri Baba in Gujarathi; some Nos. of Sainath Prabha, a magazine published by Dakshina Bhiksha Sanstha of Shirdi, are also published. Then the question of objection comes in, that while so many works regarding Sai Baba are extant, why should this (Satcharita) be written? and where is its necessity?
The answer is plain and simple. The life of Sai Baba is as wide and deep as the infinite ocean; and all can dive deep into the same and take out precious gems (of knowledge and Bhakti), and distribute them to the aspiring public. The stories, parables, and teachings of Sai Baba are very wonderful. They will give peace and happiness to the people, who are afflicted with sorrows and heavily loaded with miseries of this worldly existence, and also bestow knowledge and wisdom, both in the worldly and in spiritual domains. If these teachings of Sai Baba, which are as interesting and instructive as the Vedic lore, are listened to and meditated upon, the devotees will get, what they long for, viz., union with Brahman, mastery in eight-fold Yoga, Bliss of meditation etc. So I thought, that I should call these stories together that would be my best Upasana. This collection would be most delightful to those simple souls, whose eyes were not blessed with Sai Baba’s darshana. So, I set about collecting Sai Baba’s teachings and expressions - the outcome of His boundless and natural self-realization. It was Sai Baba, who inspired me in this matter; in fact, I surrendered my ego at His feet, and thought that my path was clear; and that He would make me quite happy here, and in the next world.
I could not myself ask Sai Baba to give me permission for this work; so I requested Mr. Madhavrao Deshpande alias Shama, Baba’s most intimate devotee, to speak to Him for me. He pleaded for my cause and said to Sai Baba, "This Annasaheb wishes to write Your biography, don’t say that You are a poor begging Fakir, and there is no necessity to write it, but if You agree and help him, he will write or rather, Your feet (grace) will accomplish the work. Without Your consent and blessing, nothing can be done successfully." When Sai Baba heard this request, He was moved and blessed me by giving me His Udi (sacred ashes) and placing His boon-bestowing hand on my head said :- "Let him make a collection of stories and experiences, keep notes and memos; I will help him. He is only an outward instrument. I should write Myself My autobiography and satisfy the wishes of My devotees. He should get rid of his ego, place (or surrender) it at My feet. He who acts like this in life, him I help the most. What of My life-stories? I serve him in his house in all possible ways. When his ego is completely annihilated and there is left no trace of it, I Myself shall enter into him and shall Myself write My own life. Hearing my stories and teachings will create faith in devotees’ hearts and they will easily get self - realization and Bliss; let there be no insistence on establishing one’s own view, no attempt to refute other’s opinions, no discussions of pros and cons of any subject."
The word ‘discussion’ put me in mind of my promise to explain the story of my getting the title of Hemadpant and now I begin to relate the same. I was on close friendly terms with Kakasaheb Dixit and Nanasaheb Chandorkar. They pressed me to go to Shirdi and have Baba’s darshana, and I promised them to do so. But something in the interval turned up, which prevented me from going to shirdi. The son of a friend of mine at Lonavala fell ill. My friend tried all possible means, physical and spiritual, but the fever would not abate. At length he got his Guru to sit by the bed-side of his son, but this too was of no avail. Hearing this, I thought ‘what was the utility of the Guru, if he could not save my friend’s son? If the Guru can’t do anything for us, why should I go to Shirdi at all?’ Thinking in this way, I postponed my Shirdi-trip; but the inevitable must happen and it happened in my case as follows : - Mr. Nanasaheb Chandorkar, who was a Prant Officer, was going on tour to Bassein. From Thana he came to Dadar and was waiting for a train bound for Bassein. In the meanwhile, a Bandra Local turned up. He, sat in it and came to Bandra; and sent for me and took me to task for putting off my Shirdi trip. Nana’s argument for my Shirdi trip was convincing and delightful, and so I decided to start for Shirdi, the same night. I packed up my luggage and started for Shirdi. I planned to go to Dadar and there to catch the train for Manmad, and so I booked myself for Dadar and sat in the train. While the train was to start, a Mahomedan came hastily to my compartment and seeing all my paraphernalia, asked me where I was bound to. I told him my plan. He then suggested that I should straight go to Boribunder, and not get down at Dadar, for the Manmad Mail did not get down at Dadar at all. If this little miracle or Leela had not happened, I would not have reached Shirdi next day as settled, and many doubts would have assailed me. But that was not to be. As fortune favoured me, I reached Shirdi the next day before 9 or 10 A.M. Mr. Bhausaheb (Kaka) Dixit was waiting for me there. This was in 1910 A.D., when there was only one place, viz., Sathe’s Wada for lodging pilgrim devotees. After alighting from the Tonga, I was anxious to have darshana, when the great devotee, Tatyasaheb Noolkar returned from the Masjid and said that Sai Baba was at the corner of the Wada, and that I should first get the preliminary darshana and then, after bath, see Him at leisure. Hearing this I ran and prostrated before Baba and then my joy knew no bounds. I found more than what Nana Chandorkar had told me. All my senses were satisfied and I forgot thirst and hunger. The moment I touched Sai Baba’s feet, I began a new lease of life. I felt myself much obliged to those who spurred and helped me to get the darshana; and I considered them as my real relatives, and I cannot repay their debt. I only remember them and prostrate (mentally) before them. The peculiarity of Sai Baba’s darshana, as I found it, is that by His darshana our thoughts are changed, the force of previous actions is abated and gradually non-attachment of dispassion towards worldly objects grows up. It is by the merit of actions in many past births that such darshana is got, and if only you see Sai Baba, really all the world becomes or assumes the form of Sai Baba.
Hot Discussion
On the first day of my arrival in Shirdi, there was a discussion between me and Balasaheb Bhate regarding the necessity of a Guru. I contended, "Why should we lose our freedom and submit to others? When we have to do our duty, why a Guru is necessary? One must try his best and save himself. What can the Guru do to a man who does nothing but sleeps indolently?" Thus I pleaded freewill, while Mr. Bhate took up the other side, viz., Destiny, and said, "Whatever is bound to happen must happen; even great men have failed, man proposes one way, but God disposes the other (contrary) way. Brush aside your cleverness; pride or egoism won’t help you." This discussion, with all its pros and cons went on for an hour or so, and as usual no decision was arrived at. We had to stop the discussion ultimately as we were exhausted. The net result of this was that I lost my peace of mind and found that unless there is strong body-consciousness and egoism, there would be no discussion; in other words, it is egoism which breeds discussion.
Then when we went to the Masjid with others, Baba asked Kakasaheb Dixit the following:-
"What was going on in the (Sathe’s) Wada? What was the discussion about?" and staring at me, Baba further added, "What did this Hemadpant say?"
Hearing these words, I was much surprised. The Masjid was at a considerable distance from Sathe’s Wada where I was staying and where the discussion was going on. How could Baba know our discussion unless He be omniscient and Inner Ruler of us all?
Significant and Prophetic Title
I began to think why Sai Baba should call me by the name Hemadpant. This word is a corrupt form of Hemadripant. This Hemadripant was a wellknown Minister of the kings Mahadev and Ramadev of Devgiri of the Yadav dynasty. He was very learned, good-natured and the author of good works, such as Chaturvarga Chintamani (dealing with spiritual subjects) and Rajprashasti. He invented and started new methods of accounts and was the originator of the Modi (Marathi Shorthand) script. But I was quite the opposite, an ignoramus, and of dull, mediocre intellect. So I could not understand why the name or title was conferred upon me, but thinking seriously upon it, I thought that the title was a dart to destroy my ego, so that, I should always remain meek and humble. It was also a compliment paid to me for the cleverness in the discussion.
Looking to the future history, we think that Baba’s word (calling Mr. Dabholkar by the name Hemadpant) was significant and prophetic, as we find that he looked after the management of Sai Sansthan very intelligently, kept nicely all the accounts and was also the author of such a good work "Sai Satcharita", which deals with such important and spiritual subjects as Jnana, Bhakti and dispassion, self-surrender and self-realization.
About the Necessity of a Guru
Hemadpant has left no note, no memo about what Baba said regarding this subject, but Kakasaheb Dixit has published his notes regarding this matter. Next day after Hemadpant’s meeting with Sai Baba, Kakasaheb went to Baba and asked whether he should leave Shirdi. Baba Said, "Yes". Then someone asked - "Baba, where to go?" Baba said, "High up." Then the man said, "How is the way?" Baba said, "There are many ways leading there; there is one way also from here (Shirdi). The way is difficult. There are tigers and wolves in the jungles on the way." I (Kakasaheb) asked - "But Baba, what if we take a guide with us?" Baba answered, - "Then there is no difficulty. The guide will take you straight to your destination, avoiding wolves, tigers and ditches etc. on the way. If there be no guide, there is the danger of your being lost in the jungles or falling into ditches." Mr. Dabholkar was present on this occasion and he thought that this was the answer Baba gave to the question whether Guru was a necessity (Vide Sai Leela Vol. I, No.5, Page 47); and he thereupon took the hint that no discussion of the problem, whether man is free or bound, is of any use in spiritual matters, but that on the contrary real Paramartha is possible only as the result of the teachings of the Guru, as is illustrated in this chapter of the original work in the instances of great Avatars like Rama and Krishna, who had to submit themselves to their Gurus, Vasishtha and Sandipani respectively, for getting self- realization and that the only virtues necessary for such progress are faith and patience. (Vide Sai Satcharita, Ch. II, 191-92).
Bow to Shri Sai - Peace be to all
Thursday, 13 October 2011
Shej aarti
Owaloo aaratee mazhaa Sadgurunaathaa - maazhaa Sainaatha
Paanchaahee tatwaanche deep laawilaa aataan
Nirgunaachee sthitee kaisee aakaaraa aalee - Baba aakaaraa aalee
Sarvaa ghatee bharooni vuralee Sayee Maawoolee Owaloo aaratee....
RajaTamaSathwa tighe maayaa prasawalee - Mazyawara maayaa prasawalee
Mayecheeye potee kaisee maayaa udbhavalee Owaloo aaratee....
SaptaSaagaree kaisa khel maandeelaa - Baba khel maandeelaa
Khelooniyaa khel awagha visthaar kelaa Owaloo aaratee....
Brahmaandeechee rachanaa keisee daakhavilee dolaa - Baba daakhavilee dolaa
Tuka hmane maazhaa Swaamee kripaaloo bholaa Owaloo aaratee....
Lopale jnaana jagin - hita nenatee konee
Avataara Panduranga - nam ttevile jnanee
Aaratee Jnaanaraaja - mahaa kaivalya tejaa
Sevitee Saadhusanta - hmanu vedhalaa maazha Aaratee Jnaanaraaja.
Kanakachee tat kareen - Ubhyaa gopikaa naaree
Narada tumbaraho - samgaayan karee Aaratee Jnaanaraaja....
Pragata guhya bole - vishwa brahmachi kele
Rama Janardanee - payee masthak ttevile Aaratee Jnaanaraaja....
Aaratee Tukaaraamaa - Swamee Sadguru dhaamaa
Satchidaananda murtee - paaya dakhavi aamhaa Aaratee Tukaaraamaa
Raaghave Saagaraat - jaise paashaan taarile
Taise he tuko baache - abhang rakshile Aaratee Tukaaraamaa...
Tukitaa tulanesee - brahma tukasee aale
Hmanoni raamesware - charanee mastak ttevile Aaratee Tukaaraamaa...
Jai jai Sainatha aataa pahudaave mandiree ho, Jai jai Sainatha aataa pahudaave mandiree ho
Aalavito sapreme tuzhala aaratee ghevuni kareeho, Jai jai Sainatha aataa pahudaave mandiree ho
Ranjavisee too madhura bulunee - maaya jashi nija mulaa ho.
Ranjavisee too madhura bulunee - maaya jashi nija mulaa ho
Bhogisi vyadhee tunch haruniyaa - nijasevak dukhaalaa ho.
Bhogisi vyadhee tunch haruniyaa - nijasevak dukhaalaa ho.
Dhavuni bhakta vyasana harisi - darshan deshee tyaalaa ho
Dhavuni bhakta vyasana harisi - darshan deshee tyaalaa ho
Jzhaale astil kasta ateesaya tumache yaa dehaalaa ho Jai jai Sainatha...
Skhmaa shayana sundara hee shobhaa - suman shej tyaavareen ho
Skhmaa shayana sundara hee shobhaa - suman shej tyaavareen ho
Gdhyaavee todee bhakta jananchee - pujan archan kareen ho
Gdhyaavee todee bhakta jananchee - pujan archan kareen ho
Owaalito panchaprana - jyotee sumatee kareen ho
Owaalito panchaprana - jyotee sumatee kareen ho
Sevaa kinkara bhakta preetee - attar parimala vaaree ho Jai jai Sainatha...
Soduni jaayaa dukha waatate - Baba tava charanaansee ho
Soduni jaayaa dukha waatate - Sayee tava charanaansee ho
Agnesthavah aasi prasaada - ghevuni nijasadanaasee ho
Agnesthavah aasi prasaada - ghevuni nijasadanaasee ho
Jaato aata yevu punarapi - twatcharanaanche paashee ho
Jaato aata yevu punarapi - twatcharanaanche paashee ho
Uttavoon tujala Saimaavule - nijahitasaadhaa yaasee ho
Uttavoon tujala Saimavule - nijahitasaadhaa yaasee ho Jai jai Sainatha...
Aataa Swaamee sukhe nidraa karaa avadhutaa - Baba karaa Sainathaa
Chinmaya he sukhfhaama jaawuni pahudaa ekaantaa
Vairaagyaachaa kunchaa ghewuni chowk jhadeela - Baba chowk jhadeela
Tayaawaree supremaachaa shidakaavaa didhalaa Aataa Swaamee...
Paayaghadadyaa ghatalyaa sundar navavidhaa bhakti - Baba navavidhaa bhakti
Jnaanaachyaa samayaa laawuni ujalalyaa jyotee Aataa Swaamee...
Bhaavaarthaanchaa manchaka hridaya kaashee taangilaa - hridaya kaashee taangilaa
Manaachee sumane karunee kele sheejelaa Aataa Swaamee...
Dwaitaache kapaat laavuni ekatra kele - Baba ekatra kele
Durbuddheenchyaa gatte soduni padade sodeele Aataa swaamee...
Aashaa trishnaa kal[anechaa Soonduni galabala - Baba Saanduni galabala
Dayaa kshamaa shaantee daasee ubhyaa sewelaa Aataa Swaamee...
Alakshya unmanee ghevunee Baba naajuk dusshaalaa - Baba naajuk dusshaalaa
Niranjana Sadguru swamee nijavile shejelaa Aataa Swaamee...
Shri Satchitaanand Sadguru Sainaath Maharaaj ki
Shri Guru Deva Datta!
Paahen prasadachee vaat ghyaave dhuvoniyaan taat
Sesh ghewoniaan taat Tumche jhaliyaan bhojan
Jhaalo aata eksavaa Tumha aadu niyaa devaa
Tuka hmane aatan chitt karooni raahilo nischint.
Paawala prasaad aataa vitto nijaave - Baba aataa nijaave
Apulaa to shrama kalo yetase bhaave
Aataan Swaamee sukhe nidraa karaa Gopala - Baba Sai dayaalaa
Purale manorath jato aapule sthalaa.
Tumhaasee jaagawoo aamhi aapulya chaada - Baba aapulya chaada
Shubhashub karme dosh haraavayaa peedaa.
Aataan Swaamee sukhe nidraa karaa Gopala - Baba Sai dayaalaa
Purale manorath jato aapule sthalaa.
Tuka hmane didhale utchistaache bhojan - utchistaache bhojan
Naahi nivadile aamha apulya bhinn.
Aataan Swaamee sukhe nidraa karaa Gopala - Baba Sai dayaalaa
Purale manorath jato aapule sthalaa.
Aataan Swaamee sukhe nidraa karaa Gopala - Baba Sai dayaalaa
Purale manorath jato aapule sthalaa.
Sadguru Sainaath Maharaaj ki
Aum Raajaadhiraaja Yogiraaja ParaBrahma Sainaath Maharaaj
Shri Satchitaanand Sadguru Sainaath Maharaaj ki
Owaloo aaratee mazhaa Sadgurunaathaa - maazhaa Sainaatha
Paanchaahee tatwaanche deep laawilaa aataan
Nirgunaachee sthitee kaisee aakaaraa aalee - Baba aakaaraa aalee
Sarvaa ghatee bharooni vuralee Sayee Maawoolee Owaloo aaratee....
RajaTamaSathwa tighe maayaa prasawalee - Mazyawara maayaa prasawalee
Mayecheeye potee kaisee maayaa udbhavalee Owaloo aaratee....
SaptaSaagaree kaisa khel maandeelaa - Baba khel maandeelaa
Khelooniyaa khel awagha visthaar kelaa Owaloo aaratee....
Brahmaandeechee rachanaa keisee daakhavilee dolaa - Baba daakhavilee dolaa
Tuka hmane maazhaa Swaamee kripaaloo bholaa Owaloo aaratee....
Lopale jnaana jagin - hita nenatee konee
Avataara Panduranga - nam ttevile jnanee
Aaratee Jnaanaraaja - mahaa kaivalya tejaa
Sevitee Saadhusanta - hmanu vedhalaa maazha Aaratee Jnaanaraaja.
Kanakachee tat kareen - Ubhyaa gopikaa naaree
Narada tumbaraho - samgaayan karee Aaratee Jnaanaraaja....
Pragata guhya bole - vishwa brahmachi kele
Rama Janardanee - payee masthak ttevile Aaratee Jnaanaraaja....
Aaratee Tukaaraamaa - Swamee Sadguru dhaamaa
Satchidaananda murtee - paaya dakhavi aamhaa Aaratee Tukaaraamaa
Raaghave Saagaraat - jaise paashaan taarile
Taise he tuko baache - abhang rakshile Aaratee Tukaaraamaa...
Tukitaa tulanesee - brahma tukasee aale
Hmanoni raamesware - charanee mastak ttevile Aaratee Tukaaraamaa...
Jai jai Sainatha aataa pahudaave mandiree ho, Jai jai Sainatha aataa pahudaave mandiree ho
Aalavito sapreme tuzhala aaratee ghevuni kareeho, Jai jai Sainatha aataa pahudaave mandiree ho
Ranjavisee too madhura bulunee - maaya jashi nija mulaa ho.
Ranjavisee too madhura bulunee - maaya jashi nija mulaa ho
Bhogisi vyadhee tunch haruniyaa - nijasevak dukhaalaa ho.
Bhogisi vyadhee tunch haruniyaa - nijasevak dukhaalaa ho.
Dhavuni bhakta vyasana harisi - darshan deshee tyaalaa ho
Dhavuni bhakta vyasana harisi - darshan deshee tyaalaa ho
Jzhaale astil kasta ateesaya tumache yaa dehaalaa ho Jai jai Sainatha...
Skhmaa shayana sundara hee shobhaa - suman shej tyaavareen ho
Skhmaa shayana sundara hee shobhaa - suman shej tyaavareen ho
Gdhyaavee todee bhakta jananchee - pujan archan kareen ho
Gdhyaavee todee bhakta jananchee - pujan archan kareen ho
Owaalito panchaprana - jyotee sumatee kareen ho
Owaalito panchaprana - jyotee sumatee kareen ho
Sevaa kinkara bhakta preetee - attar parimala vaaree ho Jai jai Sainatha...
Soduni jaayaa dukha waatate - Baba tava charanaansee ho
Soduni jaayaa dukha waatate - Sayee tava charanaansee ho
Agnesthavah aasi prasaada - ghevuni nijasadanaasee ho
Agnesthavah aasi prasaada - ghevuni nijasadanaasee ho
Jaato aata yevu punarapi - twatcharanaanche paashee ho
Jaato aata yevu punarapi - twatcharanaanche paashee ho
Uttavoon tujala Saimaavule - nijahitasaadhaa yaasee ho
Uttavoon tujala Saimavule - nijahitasaadhaa yaasee ho Jai jai Sainatha...
Aataa Swaamee sukhe nidraa karaa avadhutaa - Baba karaa Sainathaa
Chinmaya he sukhfhaama jaawuni pahudaa ekaantaa
Vairaagyaachaa kunchaa ghewuni chowk jhadeela - Baba chowk jhadeela
Tayaawaree supremaachaa shidakaavaa didhalaa Aataa Swaamee...
Paayaghadadyaa ghatalyaa sundar navavidhaa bhakti - Baba navavidhaa bhakti
Jnaanaachyaa samayaa laawuni ujalalyaa jyotee Aataa Swaamee...
Bhaavaarthaanchaa manchaka hridaya kaashee taangilaa - hridaya kaashee taangilaa
Manaachee sumane karunee kele sheejelaa Aataa Swaamee...
Dwaitaache kapaat laavuni ekatra kele - Baba ekatra kele
Durbuddheenchyaa gatte soduni padade sodeele Aataa swaamee...
Aashaa trishnaa kal[anechaa Soonduni galabala - Baba Saanduni galabala
Dayaa kshamaa shaantee daasee ubhyaa sewelaa Aataa Swaamee...
Alakshya unmanee ghevunee Baba naajuk dusshaalaa - Baba naajuk dusshaalaa
Niranjana Sadguru swamee nijavile shejelaa Aataa Swaamee...
Shri Satchitaanand Sadguru Sainaath Maharaaj ki
Shri Guru Deva Datta!
Paahen prasadachee vaat ghyaave dhuvoniyaan taat
Sesh ghewoniaan taat Tumche jhaliyaan bhojan
Jhaalo aata eksavaa Tumha aadu niyaa devaa
Tuka hmane aatan chitt karooni raahilo nischint.
Paawala prasaad aataa vitto nijaave - Baba aataa nijaave
Apulaa to shrama kalo yetase bhaave
Aataan Swaamee sukhe nidraa karaa Gopala - Baba Sai dayaalaa
Purale manorath jato aapule sthalaa.
Tumhaasee jaagawoo aamhi aapulya chaada - Baba aapulya chaada
Shubhashub karme dosh haraavayaa peedaa.
Aataan Swaamee sukhe nidraa karaa Gopala - Baba Sai dayaalaa
Purale manorath jato aapule sthalaa.
Tuka hmane didhale utchistaache bhojan - utchistaache bhojan
Naahi nivadile aamha apulya bhinn.
Aataan Swaamee sukhe nidraa karaa Gopala - Baba Sai dayaalaa
Purale manorath jato aapule sthalaa.
Aataan Swaamee sukhe nidraa karaa Gopala - Baba Sai dayaalaa
Purale manorath jato aapule sthalaa.
Sadguru Sainaath Maharaaj ki
Aum Raajaadhiraaja Yogiraaja ParaBrahma Sainaath Maharaaj
Shri Satchitaanand Sadguru Sainaath Maharaaj ki
SAI GYARAH VACHAN (11 assurances)
11 Sayings of Baba
Whoever puts his feet on Shirdi soil, his sufferings would come to an end.
The wretched and miserable would rise into plenty of joy and happiness, as soon as they climb steps
of my Samadhi.
I shall be ever active and vigorous even after leaving this earthly body.
My tomb shall bless and speak to the needs of my devotees.
I shall be active and vigorous even from the tomb.
My mortal remains would speak from the tomb.
I am ever living to help and guide all who come to me, who surrender to me and who seek refuge in me.
If you look to me, I look to you.
If you cast your burden on me, I shall surely bear it.
If you seek my advice and help, it shall be given to you at once.
There shall be no want in the house of my devotees
Whoever puts his feet on Shirdi soil, his sufferings would come to an end.
The wretched and miserable would rise into plenty of joy and happiness, as soon as they climb steps
of my Samadhi.
I shall be ever active and vigorous even after leaving this earthly body.
My tomb shall bless and speak to the needs of my devotees.
I shall be active and vigorous even from the tomb.
My mortal remains would speak from the tomb.
I am ever living to help and guide all who come to me, who surrender to me and who seek refuge in me.
If you look to me, I look to you.
If you cast your burden on me, I shall surely bear it.
If you seek my advice and help, it shall be given to you at once.
There shall be no want in the house of my devotees
SAI Satcharitra chapter 1
Shri Sai Satcharitra
Chapter I
Salutations -- The Story of Grinding Wheat and Its Philosophical Significance.
According to the ancient and revered custom, Hemadpant begins the work, Sai Satcharitra, with various salutations.
First, he makes obeisance to the God Ganesha to remove all obstacles and make the work a success and says that Shri Sai is the God Ganesha.
Then, to the Goddess Saraswati to inspire him to write out the work and says that Shri Sai is one with this Goddess and that He is Himself singing His own life.
Then, to the Gods; Brahma, Vishnu and Shankar - the Creating, Preserving and Destroying Deities respectively; and says that Sainath is one with them and He as the great Teacher, will carry us across the River of Wordly Existence.
Then, to his tutelary Deity Narayan Adinath who manifested himself in Konkan - the land reclaimed by Parashurama, (Rama in the Hindi version) from the sea; and to the Adi (Original) Purusha of the family.
Then, to the Bharadwaja Muni, into whose gotra (clan) he was born and also to various Rishis, Yagyavalakya, Bhrigu, Parashara, Narad, Vedavyasa, Sanak, Sanandan, Sanatkumar, Shuka. Shounak, Vishwamitra, Vasistha, Valmiki, Vamadeva, Jaimini, Vaishampayan, Nava Yogindra etc, and also modern Saints such as Nivritti, Jnanadev, Sopan, Muktabai, Janardan, Ekanath, Namdev, Tukaram, Kanha, and Narahari etc.
Then, to his grandfather Sadashiv, father Raghunath, his mother, who left him in his infancy, to his paternal aunt, who brought him up, and to his loving elder brother.
Then, to the readers and prays them to give their whole and undivided attention to his work.
And lastly, to his Guru Shri Sainath - an Incarnation of Shri Dattatreya, Who is his sole Refuge and Who will make him realize that Brahman is the Reality and the world an illusion; and incidentally, to all the Beings in whom the Lord God dwells.
After describing in brief the various modes of devotion according to Parashara, Vyasa and Shandilya etc., the author goes on to relate the following story:
"It was sometime after 1910 A.D. that I went, one fine morning, to the Masjid in Shirdi for getting a darshan of Sai Baba. I was wonder-struck to see the following phenomenon. After washing His mouth and face, Sai Baba began to make preparations for grinding wheat. He spread a sack on the floor; and thereon set a hand-mill. He took some quantity of wheat in a winnowing fan, and then drawing up the sleeves of His Kafni (robe); and taking hold of the peg of the hand-mill, started grinding the wheat by putting a few handfuls of wheat in the upper opening of the mill and rotoated it. I thought ‘What business Baba had with the grinding of wheat, when He possessed nothing and stored nothing, and as He lived on alms!’ Some people who had come there thought likewise, but none had the courage to ask baba what He was doing. Immediately, this news of Baba's grinding wheat spread into the village, and at once men and women ran to the Masjid and flocked there to see Baba's act. Four bold women, fro m the crowd, forced their way up and pushing Baba aside, took forcibly the peg or handle into their hands, and, singing Baba's Leelas, started grinding. At first Baba was enraged, but on seeing the women's love and devotion, He was much pleased and began to smile. While they were grinding, they began to think that Baba had no house, no property, no children, none to look after, and He lived on alms, He did not require any wheat-flour for making bread or roti, what will He do with this big quantity of flour? Perhaps as Baba is very kind, He will distribute the flour amongst us. Thinking in this way while singing, they finished the grinding and after putting the hand-mill aside, they divided the flour into four portions and began to remove them one per head. Baba, Who was calm and quiet up till now, got wild and started abusing them saying, "Ladies, are you gone mad? Whose father's property are you looting away? Have I borrowed any wheat from you, so that you can safely take the flour? Now please do this. Take the flour and throw it on the village border limits." On hearing this, the women felt abashed and whispering amongst themselves, went away to the outskirts of the village and spread the flour as directed by Baba.
I asked the Shirdi people - "What was this that Baba did?" They replied that as the Cholera Epidemic was spreading in the village and this was Baba's remedy against the same; it was not wheat that was ground but the Cholera itself was ground to pieces and pushed out of the village. From this time onward, the Cholera Epidemic subsided and the people of the village were happy. I was much pleased to know all this; but at the same time my curiosity was also aroused. I began to ask myself - What earthly connection was there between wheat flour and Cholera? What was the casual relation between the two? and how to reconcile them? The incident seems to be inexplicable. I should write something on this and sing to my heart's content Baba's sweet Leelas. Thinking in this way about this Leela, my heart was filled with joy and I was thus inspired to write Baba's Life - The Satcharita.
And as we know, with Baba's grace and blessing this work was successfully accomplished.
Philosophical Significance of Grinding
Apart from the meaning which the people of Shirdi put on this incident of grinding wheat, there is, we think, a philosophical significance too. Sai Baba lived in Shirdi for about sixty years and during this long period, He did the business of grinding almost every day - not, however, the wheat alone; but the sins, the mental and physical afflications and the miseries of His innumerable devotees. The two stones of His mill consisted of Karma and Bhakti, the former being the lower and the latter the upper one. The handle with which Baba worked the mill consisted of Jnana. It was the firm conviction of Baba that Knowledge or Self-realization is not possible, unless there is the prior act of grinding of all our impulses, desires, sins; and of the three gunas, viz. Sattva, Raja and Tama; and the Ahamkara, which is so subtle and therefore so difficult to be got rid of.
This reminds us of a similar story of Kabir who seeing a woman grinding corn said to his Guru, Nipathiranjana, "I am weeping because I feel the agony of being crushed in this wheel of wordly existence like the corn in the hand-mill." Nipathiranjana replied, "Do not be afraid; hold fast to the handle of knowledge of this mill, as I do, and do not wander far away from the same but turn inward to the Centre, and you are sure to be saved."
Bow to Shri Sai -- Peace be to all
Chapter I
Salutations -- The Story of Grinding Wheat and Its Philosophical Significance.
According to the ancient and revered custom, Hemadpant begins the work, Sai Satcharitra, with various salutations.
First, he makes obeisance to the God Ganesha to remove all obstacles and make the work a success and says that Shri Sai is the God Ganesha.
Then, to the Goddess Saraswati to inspire him to write out the work and says that Shri Sai is one with this Goddess and that He is Himself singing His own life.
Then, to the Gods; Brahma, Vishnu and Shankar - the Creating, Preserving and Destroying Deities respectively; and says that Sainath is one with them and He as the great Teacher, will carry us across the River of Wordly Existence.
Then, to his tutelary Deity Narayan Adinath who manifested himself in Konkan - the land reclaimed by Parashurama, (Rama in the Hindi version) from the sea; and to the Adi (Original) Purusha of the family.
Then, to the Bharadwaja Muni, into whose gotra (clan) he was born and also to various Rishis, Yagyavalakya, Bhrigu, Parashara, Narad, Vedavyasa, Sanak, Sanandan, Sanatkumar, Shuka. Shounak, Vishwamitra, Vasistha, Valmiki, Vamadeva, Jaimini, Vaishampayan, Nava Yogindra etc, and also modern Saints such as Nivritti, Jnanadev, Sopan, Muktabai, Janardan, Ekanath, Namdev, Tukaram, Kanha, and Narahari etc.
Then, to his grandfather Sadashiv, father Raghunath, his mother, who left him in his infancy, to his paternal aunt, who brought him up, and to his loving elder brother.
Then, to the readers and prays them to give their whole and undivided attention to his work.
And lastly, to his Guru Shri Sainath - an Incarnation of Shri Dattatreya, Who is his sole Refuge and Who will make him realize that Brahman is the Reality and the world an illusion; and incidentally, to all the Beings in whom the Lord God dwells.
After describing in brief the various modes of devotion according to Parashara, Vyasa and Shandilya etc., the author goes on to relate the following story:
"It was sometime after 1910 A.D. that I went, one fine morning, to the Masjid in Shirdi for getting a darshan of Sai Baba. I was wonder-struck to see the following phenomenon. After washing His mouth and face, Sai Baba began to make preparations for grinding wheat. He spread a sack on the floor; and thereon set a hand-mill. He took some quantity of wheat in a winnowing fan, and then drawing up the sleeves of His Kafni (robe); and taking hold of the peg of the hand-mill, started grinding the wheat by putting a few handfuls of wheat in the upper opening of the mill and rotoated it. I thought ‘What business Baba had with the grinding of wheat, when He possessed nothing and stored nothing, and as He lived on alms!’ Some people who had come there thought likewise, but none had the courage to ask baba what He was doing. Immediately, this news of Baba's grinding wheat spread into the village, and at once men and women ran to the Masjid and flocked there to see Baba's act. Four bold women, fro m the crowd, forced their way up and pushing Baba aside, took forcibly the peg or handle into their hands, and, singing Baba's Leelas, started grinding. At first Baba was enraged, but on seeing the women's love and devotion, He was much pleased and began to smile. While they were grinding, they began to think that Baba had no house, no property, no children, none to look after, and He lived on alms, He did not require any wheat-flour for making bread or roti, what will He do with this big quantity of flour? Perhaps as Baba is very kind, He will distribute the flour amongst us. Thinking in this way while singing, they finished the grinding and after putting the hand-mill aside, they divided the flour into four portions and began to remove them one per head. Baba, Who was calm and quiet up till now, got wild and started abusing them saying, "Ladies, are you gone mad? Whose father's property are you looting away? Have I borrowed any wheat from you, so that you can safely take the flour? Now please do this. Take the flour and throw it on the village border limits." On hearing this, the women felt abashed and whispering amongst themselves, went away to the outskirts of the village and spread the flour as directed by Baba.
I asked the Shirdi people - "What was this that Baba did?" They replied that as the Cholera Epidemic was spreading in the village and this was Baba's remedy against the same; it was not wheat that was ground but the Cholera itself was ground to pieces and pushed out of the village. From this time onward, the Cholera Epidemic subsided and the people of the village were happy. I was much pleased to know all this; but at the same time my curiosity was also aroused. I began to ask myself - What earthly connection was there between wheat flour and Cholera? What was the casual relation between the two? and how to reconcile them? The incident seems to be inexplicable. I should write something on this and sing to my heart's content Baba's sweet Leelas. Thinking in this way about this Leela, my heart was filled with joy and I was thus inspired to write Baba's Life - The Satcharita.
And as we know, with Baba's grace and blessing this work was successfully accomplished.
Philosophical Significance of Grinding
Apart from the meaning which the people of Shirdi put on this incident of grinding wheat, there is, we think, a philosophical significance too. Sai Baba lived in Shirdi for about sixty years and during this long period, He did the business of grinding almost every day - not, however, the wheat alone; but the sins, the mental and physical afflications and the miseries of His innumerable devotees. The two stones of His mill consisted of Karma and Bhakti, the former being the lower and the latter the upper one. The handle with which Baba worked the mill consisted of Jnana. It was the firm conviction of Baba that Knowledge or Self-realization is not possible, unless there is the prior act of grinding of all our impulses, desires, sins; and of the three gunas, viz. Sattva, Raja and Tama; and the Ahamkara, which is so subtle and therefore so difficult to be got rid of.
This reminds us of a similar story of Kabir who seeing a woman grinding corn said to his Guru, Nipathiranjana, "I am weeping because I feel the agony of being crushed in this wheel of wordly existence like the corn in the hand-mill." Nipathiranjana replied, "Do not be afraid; hold fast to the handle of knowledge of this mill, as I do, and do not wander far away from the same but turn inward to the Centre, and you are sure to be saved."
Bow to Shri Sai -- Peace be to all
Wednesday, 12 October 2011
"Sri Satchitanand Sadguru Sainath Maharaj Ki Jai"
Joduniya kar charani thevila Matha
Parisawi vinanti majhi sagurunatha(pandharinatha)
Aso-naso bhav alo tujhiya thaya
Kripa drishti pahe majkade sadgururaya
Akhandit asawe aise watate payi
Sanduni sankoch thav thodasa dei
Tuka manhane deva maji vedi wakudi
Namhe – bhavapash hati apulya todi
Utha panduranga ata prabhat samayo patala
Vaishnawancha mela garud pari datala
Garud para pasuni mahadwara paryant
Suracharanchi mandi ubhi joduniya hath
Shuka sanakadik narad tumbar bhaktanchyakoti
Trishul damaroo ghewooni ubha girjecha pati
Kaliyugincha bhakta namhe ubha kirtani
Pathimage ubhi dola lawooniya jani
Utha utha sri sainath guru charan kamal dawa
Aadhi wyadi bhawatap waruni tara jadviwa
Geli tumha soduniya bhawatama rajani vilaya
Pri hi agyanasi tumachi bhulawi yogmaya
Shakti na amha Yatkinchitahi tijala saraya
Tumhich teetay saruni dawa mukha jan taraaya
Bho sainath maharaj bhawa timirnashak ravi
Agyani amhi kiti tawa varnavi thorawi
Tee warnita bhagale bahuvadani shesh vidhi kavi
Sakurpa howooni mahima tumcha tumhich wadwa wa
Utha Utha ------------------------(1)
Bhakt mani sadbhaw dharuni je tumha anusarale
Dhayastawa Te darshan tumche dwari ubhe thele
Dhyanastha tumhas pahuni man amuche dhale
Pari Twa chanamruta Prashayate atur jhale
Ughaduni netra kamaladeenabhandu ramakanta
Pahiba krupa drushti balaka jashi mata
Ranjavi madhurvani Hari tap Sai Natha
Aamhich Apule Kajastawa tuja kashtavito Deva
Sahan Karishil te aikuni ghyawi bhet Krishna Dhawa
Utha Utha Aadhi Wyadi ..(2)
Utha Panduranga ata darshan dya sakala
Jhala Arunodaya sarali nidrechi vela
Sant sadhu mani avaghe jhaleti gola
Sada Sheje sukh ata baghu dhya mukh kamala
Rang Mandapi maha dwari jhalise dati
Man utavil roop pahawaya drushti
Rahi rakhumabai tumha yewoodhya daya
Sheje halwooni jage kara devraya
Garud hanumant ubhe pahati waat
Swarginche surwar ghewooni ale bobhat
Jale mukta dwar labh jhala rokada
Vishnu das nama ubha ghewooni kankada
Ghewooniya pancharati karoo babansi arti karoo sai si..
Utha utha ho bandhav owalu ha ramadhav
Karuniya Sthira man, Pahu gambhir he dhyana
Saiche hey
Krishna natha datt sai jado chitt tujhepai
Kakad arti karito sainath deva
Chinmaya roop dakhavi ghewooni balak laghu seva
Kam krodh mad matsar atwooni Kankada kela
Vairagyache toop ghalooni me to bhijavila
Sai nath guru bhakti jawaane to me petawila
Tad wruth jaluni guru ne parakash padila
Dwaita tama nasuni milavi tatswaroopi jeewa
Chinmaya roop dhakavi ghewooni balak laghu seva
Bhoo-kechar vyapuni avaghe hrudhkamali rahasi
Tochi datta devu shridi rahuni pawasi
Rahooni yethe anyatrahi too bakta stav dhavasi
Nirasuniya sankata dasa anubhav davisi
Chinmaya roop dakhavi...
Twadhyash dundu bhine sare ambar he kondale
Sagun murti pahanya atur jan shirdi ale
Prashuntwat vachanamrit amuche dehabhan harpale
Soduniya durabhiman manas twat charni wahile
Krupa karuniya sai maule dass padari ghyawa
Bhaktichiya poti bodh kankada jyothi
Panch pran jivebhave owaloo arti
Owaloo arti majya pandharinatha majya sainatha
Donhi Kara jodoni charani thevila matha
Kayb mahima varnu ata sangane kiti
Koti brahma hatya mukh pahata jati
Rai rukhumabai ubhaya doghi do bahi
Mayur pich chamare dhallti thaiche thai
Tuka mhane deep ghewooni unmaneet shobha
Vite vari ubha dise lawanya gabha .. Owaloo …
Utha sadhu sant sadha apulale heet
Jaeel jaeel ha nardeh mag kaicha bhagwant
Uthoniya pahate baba uba ase vite
Charan tayancha gomate amrut drishti awaloka
Utha utha ho vegsi chala jawooya rawoolasi
Jalatil patakanchya rashi kakad arti dekhiliya
Jage kara rukminivar, dev ahe nijsurant
Vege linlon kara drisht hoel tayasi
Dari wajantri vajati dhol damane garjati
Hote kakad ati majhya sadguru rayanchi
Sihanad shankh bheri anand hoto maha dwari
Keshavraj vetewari nama charan vandito
Sainath guru majhe aaee
Majla thav dhava payee
Datt raj guru majhe aaee
Majla thav dhava payee
Sri satchidanand sadguru
Sainath maharajki jai
Prabhat samayi shubh ravi prabha phankali
Samare guru sada asha samayi tya chhale na kali
Manhoni kar jodoni karu ata guru prarthana
Samarth guru sai nath purvi manovasana……………1
Tama nirsi bhanu ha guru hi nasi adnyanata
Parantu guruchi kari na ravihi kadhi samyata
Punha timir janma ghe gurukrupeni adnyana na
Samarth guru sainath puri manovasana………………2
Ravi pragat hawooni twarita ghalwi alasa
Tasa guruhi sodwi sakal dushkruti lalasa
Haroni abhimani jadwi tatpadi bhavana
Samarth guru sainath purvi manovasana……………...3
Gurusi upma dise vidheehari haranchi uni
Kuthoni mag yei tee kavani ya ugi pahooni
Tujjhich upma tula bharvi shobhate sajana
Samarth guru sainath purvi manovasana…………….4
Samadhi utroniya guru chala mashidikade
Twaidya vachnoti tee madhur variti sankade
Ajatripu sadguru akhil pataka bhajana
Samarth guru sainath purvi manovasana……………..5
Aha susamayasi ya guru uthoniya baisale
Vilokuni padashrit tadiy aapade nasile
Asa suhitkari ya jagati konihi anya na
Samarth guru sainath purvi manovasana……………..6
Ase bahut shahana pari na jya guruchi kripa
Na tatswahit tya kale karitase rikamya gapa
Jari gurupada dhari sadrudh bhaktine to mana
Samarth guru sainath purvi manovasana……………..7
Guro vinati mi kari hridaymandiriya basa
Samasta jag he guruswarupachi thaso manasa
Karo satat satkruti matihi de jagatpavana
Samarth guru sainath purvi manovasana……………..8
Premeya ashtakasi padhuni guruvara prarthiti je prabhati,
Tyachi chittasee deto akhil
Haruniya bhranti mee nitya shanti
Aise he sainathekathuni
Suchvile jevi ya baalakasi,
Tevi tya krisnapayi namuni
Savinaye arpito ashtakasi………………………………9
Sai raham najar karna,
Bachoon ka palan karna
Jana tumne jagat pasara,
Sabahi jooth jamana
Sai raham najar karna
Mai andha hoon banda apaka
Mujase prabhu dikhlana
Sai ram najar karna
Das ganu kahe aab kya bolu,
Thak gayi meri rasana
Sai ram najar karna
Raham najar karo, ab more sai
Tumbin nahi mujhe maa baap bhai - Raham ….
Mai andha hoo banda tumara - Mai andha ….
Mai na janoo allah elahi-Raham najar Karo
Khali jamana maineh gamaya - Khali ….
Sathi akhar ka kiya na koi-Raham najar Karo
Apne mashidka jhadoo ganu hai - Apne ….
Malik hamara, tum baba sai - Raham najar Karo
Tuj kay deoon sawlya mee khaya tari
Mi dubali batik namyachee jaa shree hari
Uchhishta tula dene hi goshta na bari
Tu jagannath, tuj deoon kashire bhakari
Nako anta madiya pahoon sakhiya bhagwanta - shrikanta
Madhyanharatr Ultoni galee hi aata - aan chitta.
Hoiel tujhare kankada ki raulantari
Aantil bhakti naivedyahi nanapari -
Sri sadguru baba sai
Tujwanchuni ashray nahi, bhutali
Mi papi patit dheemananda - Mi….
Tarne mala gurunatha, jhadakari
Tu shantishamecha meru, Tu….
Tu bhavarnavinche taru guruvara,
Guruvara majasi pamara, ata udddhvara
Twarit lavlahi, Twarit lavlahi,
Mi budto bhavbhay dohi, uddhvara Sri sadguru….
"Sri Satchitanand Sadguru Sainath Maharaj Ki Jai"
Joduniya kar charani thevila Matha
Parisawi vinanti majhi sagurunatha(pandharinatha)
Aso-naso bhav alo tujhiya thaya
Kripa drishti pahe majkade sadgururaya
Akhandit asawe aise watate payi
Sanduni sankoch thav thodasa dei
Tuka manhane deva maji vedi wakudi
Namhe – bhavapash hati apulya todi
Utha panduranga ata prabhat samayo patala
Vaishnawancha mela garud pari datala
Garud para pasuni mahadwara paryant
Suracharanchi mandi ubhi joduniya hath
Shuka sanakadik narad tumbar bhaktanchyakoti
Trishul damaroo ghewooni ubha girjecha pati
Kaliyugincha bhakta namhe ubha kirtani
Pathimage ubhi dola lawooniya jani
Utha utha sri sainath guru charan kamal dawa
Aadhi wyadi bhawatap waruni tara jadviwa
Geli tumha soduniya bhawatama rajani vilaya
Pri hi agyanasi tumachi bhulawi yogmaya
Shakti na amha Yatkinchitahi tijala saraya
Tumhich teetay saruni dawa mukha jan taraaya
Bho sainath maharaj bhawa timirnashak ravi
Agyani amhi kiti tawa varnavi thorawi
Tee warnita bhagale bahuvadani shesh vidhi kavi
Sakurpa howooni mahima tumcha tumhich wadwa wa
Utha Utha ------------------------(1)
Bhakt mani sadbhaw dharuni je tumha anusarale
Dhayastawa Te darshan tumche dwari ubhe thele
Dhyanastha tumhas pahuni man amuche dhale
Pari Twa chanamruta Prashayate atur jhale
Ughaduni netra kamaladeenabhandu ramakanta
Pahiba krupa drushti balaka jashi mata
Ranjavi madhurvani Hari tap Sai Natha
Aamhich Apule Kajastawa tuja kashtavito Deva
Sahan Karishil te aikuni ghyawi bhet Krishna Dhawa
Utha Utha Aadhi Wyadi ..(2)
Utha Panduranga ata darshan dya sakala
Jhala Arunodaya sarali nidrechi vela
Sant sadhu mani avaghe jhaleti gola
Sada Sheje sukh ata baghu dhya mukh kamala
Rang Mandapi maha dwari jhalise dati
Man utavil roop pahawaya drushti
Rahi rakhumabai tumha yewoodhya daya
Sheje halwooni jage kara devraya
Garud hanumant ubhe pahati waat
Swarginche surwar ghewooni ale bobhat
Jale mukta dwar labh jhala rokada
Vishnu das nama ubha ghewooni kankada
Ghewooniya pancharati karoo babansi arti karoo sai si..
Utha utha ho bandhav owalu ha ramadhav
Karuniya Sthira man, Pahu gambhir he dhyana
Saiche hey
Krishna natha datt sai jado chitt tujhepai
Kakad arti karito sainath deva
Chinmaya roop dakhavi ghewooni balak laghu seva
Kam krodh mad matsar atwooni Kankada kela
Vairagyache toop ghalooni me to bhijavila
Sai nath guru bhakti jawaane to me petawila
Tad wruth jaluni guru ne parakash padila
Dwaita tama nasuni milavi tatswaroopi jeewa
Chinmaya roop dhakavi ghewooni balak laghu seva
Bhoo-kechar vyapuni avaghe hrudhkamali rahasi
Tochi datta devu shridi rahuni pawasi
Rahooni yethe anyatrahi too bakta stav dhavasi
Nirasuniya sankata dasa anubhav davisi
Chinmaya roop dakhavi...
Twadhyash dundu bhine sare ambar he kondale
Sagun murti pahanya atur jan shirdi ale
Prashuntwat vachanamrit amuche dehabhan harpale
Soduniya durabhiman manas twat charni wahile
Krupa karuniya sai maule dass padari ghyawa
Bhaktichiya poti bodh kankada jyothi
Panch pran jivebhave owaloo arti
Owaloo arti majya pandharinatha majya sainatha
Donhi Kara jodoni charani thevila matha
Kayb mahima varnu ata sangane kiti
Koti brahma hatya mukh pahata jati
Rai rukhumabai ubhaya doghi do bahi
Mayur pich chamare dhallti thaiche thai
Tuka mhane deep ghewooni unmaneet shobha
Vite vari ubha dise lawanya gabha .. Owaloo …
Utha sadhu sant sadha apulale heet
Jaeel jaeel ha nardeh mag kaicha bhagwant
Uthoniya pahate baba uba ase vite
Charan tayancha gomate amrut drishti awaloka
Utha utha ho vegsi chala jawooya rawoolasi
Jalatil patakanchya rashi kakad arti dekhiliya
Jage kara rukminivar, dev ahe nijsurant
Vege linlon kara drisht hoel tayasi
Dari wajantri vajati dhol damane garjati
Hote kakad ati majhya sadguru rayanchi
Sihanad shankh bheri anand hoto maha dwari
Keshavraj vetewari nama charan vandito
Sainath guru majhe aaee
Majla thav dhava payee
Datt raj guru majhe aaee
Majla thav dhava payee
Sri satchidanand sadguru
Sainath maharajki jai
Prabhat samayi shubh ravi prabha phankali
Samare guru sada asha samayi tya chhale na kali
Manhoni kar jodoni karu ata guru prarthana
Samarth guru sai nath purvi manovasana……………1
Tama nirsi bhanu ha guru hi nasi adnyanata
Parantu guruchi kari na ravihi kadhi samyata
Punha timir janma ghe gurukrupeni adnyana na
Samarth guru sainath puri manovasana………………2
Ravi pragat hawooni twarita ghalwi alasa
Tasa guruhi sodwi sakal dushkruti lalasa
Haroni abhimani jadwi tatpadi bhavana
Samarth guru sainath purvi manovasana……………...3
Gurusi upma dise vidheehari haranchi uni
Kuthoni mag yei tee kavani ya ugi pahooni
Tujjhich upma tula bharvi shobhate sajana
Samarth guru sainath purvi manovasana…………….4
Samadhi utroniya guru chala mashidikade
Twaidya vachnoti tee madhur variti sankade
Ajatripu sadguru akhil pataka bhajana
Samarth guru sainath purvi manovasana……………..5
Aha susamayasi ya guru uthoniya baisale
Vilokuni padashrit tadiy aapade nasile
Asa suhitkari ya jagati konihi anya na
Samarth guru sainath purvi manovasana……………..6
Ase bahut shahana pari na jya guruchi kripa
Na tatswahit tya kale karitase rikamya gapa
Jari gurupada dhari sadrudh bhaktine to mana
Samarth guru sainath purvi manovasana……………..7
Guro vinati mi kari hridaymandiriya basa
Samasta jag he guruswarupachi thaso manasa
Karo satat satkruti matihi de jagatpavana
Samarth guru sainath purvi manovasana……………..8
Premeya ashtakasi padhuni guruvara prarthiti je prabhati,
Tyachi chittasee deto akhil
Haruniya bhranti mee nitya shanti
Aise he sainathekathuni
Suchvile jevi ya baalakasi,
Tevi tya krisnapayi namuni
Savinaye arpito ashtakasi………………………………9
Sai raham najar karna,
Bachoon ka palan karna
Jana tumne jagat pasara,
Sabahi jooth jamana
Sai raham najar karna
Mai andha hoon banda apaka
Mujase prabhu dikhlana
Sai ram najar karna
Das ganu kahe aab kya bolu,
Thak gayi meri rasana
Sai ram najar karna
Raham najar karo, ab more sai
Tumbin nahi mujhe maa baap bhai - Raham ….
Mai andha hoo banda tumara - Mai andha ….
Mai na janoo allah elahi-Raham najar Karo
Khali jamana maineh gamaya - Khali ….
Sathi akhar ka kiya na koi-Raham najar Karo
Apne mashidka jhadoo ganu hai - Apne ….
Malik hamara, tum baba sai - Raham najar Karo
Tuj kay deoon sawlya mee khaya tari
Mi dubali batik namyachee jaa shree hari
Uchhishta tula dene hi goshta na bari
Tu jagannath, tuj deoon kashire bhakari
Nako anta madiya pahoon sakhiya bhagwanta - shrikanta
Madhyanharatr Ultoni galee hi aata - aan chitta.
Hoiel tujhare kankada ki raulantari
Aantil bhakti naivedyahi nanapari -
Sri sadguru baba sai
Tujwanchuni ashray nahi, bhutali
Mi papi patit dheemananda - Mi….
Tarne mala gurunatha, jhadakari
Tu shantishamecha meru, Tu….
Tu bhavarnavinche taru guruvara,
Guruvara majasi pamara, ata udddhvara
Twarit lavlahi, Twarit lavlahi,
Mi budto bhavbhay dohi, uddhvara Sri sadguru….
"Sri Satchitanand Sadguru Sainath Maharaj Ki Jai"
Tuesday, 11 October 2011

Shri Sai Baba came to Shirdi with a marriage procession. He stayed at
Dwarkamai till the very end of his life. Dwarkamai is situated on the right side of the
entrance of Samadhi Mandir. Here he solved problems of the people, cured their
sickness and worries. Before Baba's arrival in Shirdi, Dwarkamai was an old
mosque in a dilapidated condition. Baba turned it into Dwarkamai and proved that God is one.
The first level of Dwarkamai has a portrait of Baba and a big stone on which Baba
used to sit. This level has two rooms. One contains the chariot and the second
a palkhi. Just in front of the room where the chariot is kept is a small temple. A saffron flag flies over it.
Sai mantras
1) Om sai namoh namah
shri sai namoh namah
jai jai sai namoh namah
satguru sai namoh namah...
3)Om Shirdi Vasaye Vidameh Sachidanadayein Dhimahe tanno Sai prachodayat--MAHA MANTRA...
4)Om shri sai nathaye namah
5)Om namoh sachidanand sai nathaey namah...
shri sai namoh namah
jai jai sai namoh namah
satguru sai namoh namah...
3)Om Shirdi Vasaye Vidameh Sachidanadayein Dhimahe tanno Sai prachodayat--MAHA MANTRA...
4)Om shri sai nathaye namah
5)Om namoh sachidanand sai nathaey namah...
Monday, 10 October 2011
Sai kasht nivaran mantra
Sadguru sainaath maharaj ki jai
Kashton ki kali chaya dukhdayi hai
Jeewan me ghor udasi layi hai
Sankat ko talo sai duhai hai
Tere siwa na koi sahayi hai
Mere man teri surat samai hai
Har pal har kshan mahima gayi hai
Ghar mere kashton ki aandhi aayi hai
Aapne kyun meri sudh bhulayi hai
Tum bholenaath ho daya nidhan ho
Tum hanuman ho maha balwan ho
Tumhi ram aur shyam ho
Saare jagat mein tum sabse mahan ho
Tumhi mahakali tumhi maa shaarde
Karta hoon prarthna bhav se taar de
Tumhi mohhammad ho gareeb nawaz ho
Nanak ki vani mein eesa ke saath ho
Tumhi digambar tumhi kabir ho
Ho budh tumhi aur mahaveer ho
Saare jagat ka tumhi aadhar ho
Niraakar bhi aur saakar ho
Karta hu vandana prem vishwas se
suno sai allah ke vaste
adharo pe mere nhi muskaan hai
Ghar mera banna laga shamshan hai
Reham nazar karo ujre viran pe
Zindagi sawaregi ek vardan se
Paapo ki dhoop se tan laga haarne
Aapka ye das laga pukaarne
Aapne sada hi laaj bachayi hai
Der na ho jaaye man shankayi hai
Dheere dheere dheeraj hi khota hai
man me basa vishwas hi rota hai
meri kalpana saakar kar do
sooni zindagi me rang bhar do
dhote dhote paapon ka bhaar zindagi se
main gaya haar zindagi se
naath avgun ab to bisaaro
kashton ki lehar se aake ubaaro
karta hu paap main paapo ki khan hu
gyani tum gyaneshwar main agyan hu
karta hu pag pag par paapo ki bhool main
taar do jeewan charno ki dhool se
tumne ujda hua ghar basaya
paani se Deepak bhi tumne jalaya
tumne hi shirdi ko dhaam banaya
chhote se gaon mein swarg sajaya
kasht paap shrap utaro
prem daya drishti se nihaaro
aapka daas hu aise naa taaliye
girne laga hu sai sambhaliye
saiji balak main anaath hu
tere bharose rehta din raat hu
jaisa bhi hoon, hoon to aapka
keeje nivaran mere santaap ka
tu hai sawera aur main raat hoon
mel nhi koi phir bhi saath hoon
saiji mujhse mukh naa modo
beech majhdaar akela na chodo
aapke charno mein base pran hain
tere vachan mere guru saman hain
aapki raah pe chalta daas hai
khushi nhi koi jeewan udas hai
aansoo ki dhaara mein doobta kinaara
zindagi mein dard , nhi guzaara
lagaya chaman to phool khilaao
phool khile hai to khushboo bhi laao
kar do ishara to baat ban jaye
jo kismat me nhi wo mil jaaye
beeta zamana ye gaake fasana
sarhade zindagi maut tarana
der to ho gayi hai andher na ho
fikr mile lekin fareb na ho
deke taalo ya daaman bacha lo
hilne lagi rehnumayi sambhalo
tere dam pe allah ki shaan hai
sufi santon ka ye bayan hai
gareebon ki jholi me bhar do khazana
zamane ke wli na karo bahana
dar ke bhikhari hain mohtaaj hain hum
shehenshahe aalam karo kuch karam
tere khazaane mein allah ki rehmat
tum sadguru saiji ho samarth
aaye ho dharti pe dene sahara
karne lage kyun humse kinaara
jab tak ye brahmand rahega
sai tera naam rahega
chaand sitare tumhe pukaarenge
janmojanam hum rasta nihaarenge
aatma badlegi chole hazar
hum milte rahenge baarambar
aapke kadmo mein baithe rahenge
dukhde dil ke kehete rahenge
aapki marzi hai do ya na do
hum to kahenge daaman hi bhar do
tum ho data hum hain bhikhaari
sunte nhi kyun araz hmari
achchha chalo ek baat bta do
kya nhi tumhaare paas bta do
jo nhi dena hai inkaar kar do
khatam ye aapas ki takrar kar do
laut k khali chala jaaunga
phir bhi gun tere gaaunga
jab tak kaaya hai tab tak maaya hai
isi mein dukhon ka mool samaya hai
sab kuch jaan ke anjaan hu main
allah ki tu shaan teri shaan hu main
tera karam sada sabpe rahega
ye chakra yug yug chalta rahega
jo prani gayega saiji tera naam
usko mukti mile pahuche param dhaam
ye mantra jo praani nit din gaayege
raahu ketu shaani nikat na aayenge
tal jaayenge sankat saare
ghar mein vaas Karen sukh saare
jo shraddha se karega pathan
us par dev sabhi ho prasann
rog samool nasht ho jayenge
kasht nivaaran mantra jo gaayenge
chinta harega nivaran jaap
pal mein door ho sab paap
jo ye pustak nit din baanche
shri lakhmi ji ghar uske sada viraaje
gyan buddhi praani wo paayega
kasht nivaran mantra jo dhyayega
ye mantra bhakto kamal karega
aayi jo anhoni to taal dega
bhoot prêt bhi rahenge door
is mantra mein sai shakti bharpoor
japte rahe jo mantra agar
jaado tona bhi ho beasar
is mantra mein sab gun samaye
na ho bharosa to aazmaye
ye mantra saiji vachan hi jaano
swayam amal kar satya pehchaano
sanshay na laana vishwas jagana
ye mantr sukhon ka hai khazana
is pustak mein saiji ka vas
jai saiji shri sai jai jai sai
Pehle Sai ke charno mein, apna sheesh nivauo maiy,
Kaise Shirdi Sai aaye, saara haal sunau maiy. ||1||
Kaun hai mata, pita kaun hai, yeh na kisi ne bhi jaana,
Kaha janam Sai ne dhara, prashan paheli raha bana. ||2||
Koee kahe Ayodhya ke, yeh Ramchandra bhagvan hain,
Koee kehta Saibaba, pavan putra Hanuman hain. ||3||
Koee kehta mangal murti, Shri Gajanan hain Sai,
Koee kehta Gokul-Mohan Devki Nandan hain Sai. ||4||
Shanker samajh bhakt kaee to, baba ko bhajhte rahte,
Koee kahe avtar datt ka, pooja Sai ki karte. ||5||
Kuch bhi mano unko tum, pur sai hain sachche bhagvan,
Bade dayalu deen-bandhu, kitno ko diya jivan-daan. ||6||
Kaee varsh pehle ki ghatna, tumhe sunaunga mein baat,
Keesy bhagyashaali ki Shirdi mein aaee thi barat. ||7||
Aaya saath usi ke tha, baalak aik bahut sunder,
Aaya aaker vahin bus gaya, paavan Shirdi kiya nagar. ||8||
Kaee dino tak raha bhatakta, bhiksha maangi usne dar dar,
Aur dikhaee aisee leela, jug mein jo ho gaee amar. ||9||
Jaise-jaise umar badi, badti hee vaisy gaee shaan,
Ghar ghar hone laga nagar mein, Sai baba kaa gungaan. ||10||
Digdigant mein laga goonjane, phir to Saiji ka naam,
Deen-dhukhi ki raksha karna, yahi raha baba ka kaam. ||11||
Baba ke charno mein ja kar, jo kehta mein hoo nirdhan,
Daya usee par hoti unkee, khul jaate dhukh ke bandhan. ||12||
Kabhi kisee ne maangi bhiksha, do baba mujhko suntaan,
Aivom astoo tub kaihkar Sai de te thay usko vardaan. ||13||
Swayam dhukhi baba ho jaate, deen-dukhijan ka lukh haal,
Anteh: karan bhi Sai ka, sagar jaisa raha vishal. ||14||
Bhakt ek madrasi aaya, ghar ka bahut bada dhanvaan,
Maal khajana behadh uskaa, keval nahi rahi suntaan. ||15||
Laga manane Sainath ko, baba mujh per daya karo,
Junjha se junkrit naiya ko, tum hee mairee par karo. ||16||
Kuldeepak ke bina andhera, chchaya hua ghar mein mere,
Isee liye aaya hoon baba, hokar sharnagat tere. ||17||
Kuldeepak ke abhav mein, vyarth hai daulat ki maya,
Aaj bhikhari ban kar baba, sharan tumhari mein aaya, ||18||
De de mujhko putra-daan, mein rini rahoonga jivan bhar,
Aur kisi ki aas na mujko, siraf bharosa hai tum per. ||19||
Anunaye-vinaye bahut ki usne, charano mein dhar ke sheesh,
Tub prasana hokar baba ne, diya bhakta ko yeh aashish. ||20||
‘Allah bhala karega tera,' putra janam ho tere ghar,
Kripa rahegi tum per uski, aur tere uss balak per. ||21||
Ab tak nahi kisi ne paya, sai ki kripa ka paar,
Putra ratan de madrasi ko, dhanya kiya uska sansaar. ||22||
Tan-man se jo bhaje usi ka jug mein hota hai uddhar,
Sanch ko aanch nahi haiy koee, sada jooth ki hoti haar. ||23||
Mein hoon sada sahare uske, sada rahoonga uska daas,
Sai jaisa prabhu mila haiy, itni ki kum haiy kya aas. ||24||
Mera bhi din tha ik aisa, milti nahi mujhe thi roti,
Tan per kapda duur raha tha, sheish rahi nanhi si langoti, ||25||
Sarita sammukh hone per bhi mein pyasa ka pyasa tha,
Durdin mera mere ooper, davagani barsata tha. ||26||
Dharti ke atirikt jagat mein, mera kuch avalumbh na tha,
Bana bhikhari maiy duniya mein, dar dar thokar khata tha. ||27||
Aise mein ik mitra mila jo, param bhakt Sai ka tha,
Janjalon se mukt, magar iss, jagti mein veh bhi mujh sa tha. ||28||
Baba ke darshan ke khatir, mil dono ne kiya vichaar,
Sai jaise daya murti ke darshan ko ho gaiye taiyar. ||29||
Paavan Shirdi nagari mein ja kar, dhekhi matvaali murti,
Dhanya janam ho gaya ki humne jab dhekhi Sai ki surti. ||30||
Jabse kiye hai darshan humne, dukh sara kaphur ho gaya,
Sankat saare mite aur vipdaon ka ant ho gaya. ||31||
Maan aur sammaan mila, bhiksha mein humko baba se,
Prati bambit ho uthe jagat mein, hum Sai ki abha se. ||32||
Baba ne sammaan diya haiy, maan diya is jivan mein,
Iska hee sambal le mein, hasta jaunga jivan mein. ||33||
Sai ki leela ka mere, mun par aisa assar hua,
Lagta, jagti ke kan-kan mein, jaise ho veh bhara hua. ||34||
'Kashiram' baba ka bhakt, iss Shirdi mein rehta tha,
Maiy Sai ka Sai mera, veh duniya se kehta tha. ||35||
Seekar svayam vastra bechta, gram nagar bazaro mein,
Jhankrit uski hridh-tantri thi, Sai ki jhankaron se. ||36||
Stabdh nisha thi, thay soye, rajni aanchal me chand sitare,
Nahi soojhta raha hath ka, hath timiri ke mare. ||37||
Vastra bech kar lote raha tha, hai! Haath se 'kaashi',
Vichitr bada sanyoga ki uss din aata tha veh akaki. ||38||
Gher raah mein khare ho gaye, usse kutil, anyaayi,
Maaro kaato looto iski, hee dhvani pari sunaee. ||39||
Loot peet kar usse vahan se, kutil gaye champat ho,
Aaghaton se marmahat ho, usne di thi sangya kho. ||40||
Bahut der tak para raha veh, vahin usi halat mein,
Jaane kab kuch hosh ho utha, usko kisi palak mein. ||41||
Anjane hee uske muh se, nikal para tha Sai,
Jiski prati dhvani Shirdi mein, baba ko parri sunai. ||42||
Shubdh utha ho manas unka, baba gaye vikal ho,
Lagta jaise ghatna sari, ghati unhi ke sunmukh ho. ||43||
Unmadi se idhar udhar tab, baba lage bhatakne,
Sunmukh chizein jo bhi aiee, unkoo lage patkne. ||44||
Aur dhadhakte angaro mein, baba ne kar dala,
Huye sashankit sabhi vaha, lakh tandav nritya nirala. ||45||
Samajh gaye sab log ki koi, bhakt para sankat mein,
Shubit khare thai sabhi vaha par, pare huye vismaiye mein. ||46||
Usse bachane ke hi khatir, baba aaj vikal hai,
Uski hi piraa se pirit, unka ant sthal hai. ||47||
Itne me hi vidhi ne apni, vichitrata dhikhlayi,
Lukh kar jisko janta ko, shradha sarita lehrayee. ||48||
Lekar sanghya heen bhakt ko, gaari ek vaha aayee,
Sunmukh apne dekh bhakt ko, Sai ki aankhe bhar aayee. ||49||
Shant, dheer, gambhir sindhu sa, baba ka anthsthal,
Aaj na jane kyon reh-rehkar, ho jaata tha chanchal. ||50||
Aaj daya ki murti svayum tha bana hua upchaari,
Aur bhakt ke liye aaj tha, dev bana prati haari. ||51||
Aaj bhakti ki vishum pariksha mein, safal hua tha Kaashi,
Uske hee darshan ki khatir, thai umre nagar-nivasi. ||52||
Jab bhi aur jahan bhi koyee, bhakt pare sankat mein,
Uski raksha karne baba jate hai pulbhur mein. ||53||
Yug yug ka hai satya yeh, nahi koi nayee kahani,
Aapat grast bhakt jab hota, jate khudh antar yami. ||54||
Bhedh bhaav se pare pujari manavta ke thai sai,
Jitne pyare Hindu-Muslim uutne hi Sikh Isai. ||55||
Bhed bhaav mandir masjid ka tor phor baba ne dala,
Ram rahim sabhi unke thai, Krishan Karim Allah Tala. ||56||
Ghante ki pratidhvani se gunja, masjid ka kona kona,
Mile paraspar Hindu Muslim, pyar bada din din doona. ||57||
Chamatkar tha kitna sundar, parichaye iss kaya ne dee,
Aur neem karvahat mein bhi mithaas baba ne bhar dee. ||58||
Sabko sneha diya Sai ne, sabko suntul pyar kiya,
Jo kuch jisne bhi chaha, baba ne usko vahi diya. ||59||
Aise snehsheel bhajan ka, naam sada jo japa kare,
Parvat jaisa dhukh na kyoon ho, palbhar mein veh door tare. ||60||
Sai jaisa daata humne, aare nahi dekha koi,
Jiske keval darshan se hee, saari vipda door gayee. ||61||
Tan mein Sai, man mein Sai, Sai bhajha karo,
Apne tan ki sudh budh khokur, sudh uski tum kiya karo. ||62||
Jab tu apni sudh tajkur, baba ki sudh kiya karega,
Aur raat din baba, baba, baba hi tu rata karega. ||63||
To baba ko aare! vivash ho, sudh teri leni hee hogi,
Teri har icha baba ko, puree hee karni hogi. ||64||
Jungal jungal bhatak na pagal, aur dhundne baba ko,
Ek jagah keval Shirdi mein, tu paiga baba ko. ||65||
Dhanya jagat mein prani hai veh, jisne baba ko paya,
Dukh mein sukh mein prahar aath ho, sai ka hee gune gaya. ||66||
Gire sankat ke parvat, chahe bijli hi toot pare,
Sai ka le naam sada tum, sunmukh sub ke raho arre. ||67||
Iss budhe ki sunn karamat, tum ho jaoge hairaan,
Dang reh sunkar jisko, jane kitne chatur sujaan. ||68||
Ek baar Shirdi mein sadhu dhongi tha koi aaya,
Bholi bhali nagar nivasi janta ko tha bharmaya. ||69||
Jari, butiyan unhe dhikha kar, karne laga vaha bhashan,
Kehne laga sunno shrotagan, ghar mera hai vrindavan. ||70||
Aushadhi mere paas ek hai, aur ajab iss mein shakti,
Iske sevan karne se hi, ho jaati dukh se mukti. ||71||
Aggar mukta hona chaho tum, sankat se bimari se,
To hai mera numra nivaidan, har nar se har nari se, ||72||
Lo kharid tum isko, sevan vidhiyan hai nyari,
Yadyapi tuch vastu hai yeh, gun uske hai atisheh bhari. ||73||
Jo hai suntaan heen yeh yadi, meri aushdhi ko khaye,
Putra ratan ho parapat, aare aur veh mooh manga phal paye. ||74||
Aushadh meri jo na kharide, jeevan bhar pachtayega,
Mujh jaisa prani shayad hi, aare yaha aa payega. ||75||
Duniya do din ka mela hai, mauj shaunk tum bhi kar lo,
Gar is se milta hai, sub kuch, tum bhi isko le lo. ||76||
Hairani barti janta ki, lakh iski kaarastaani,
Pramudit veh bhi man hi man tha, lakh logo ki nadani. ||77||
Khabar suna ne baba ko yeh, gaya daud kar sevak ek,
Sun kar bhukuti tani aur, vismaran ho gaya sabhi vivek. ||78||
Hukum diya sevak ko, satvar pakar dusht ko lao,
Ya Shirdi ki seema se, kapti ko duur bhagao. ||79||
Mere rehte bholi bhali, shirdi ki janta ko,
Kaun neech aisa jo, sahas karta hai chalne ko. ||80||
Pulbhur mai hi aise dhongi, kapti neech lootere ko,
Maha naash ke maha gart mein, phahuncha doon jivan bhar ko. ||81||
Tanik mila aabhaas madari, krur kutil anyayi ko,
Kaal nachta hai ab sir par, gussa aaya Sai ko. ||82||
Pal bhar mein sab khel bandh kar, bhaga sir par rakh kar pairr,
Socha tha sabh hi ab, bhagvan nahi hai ab khair. ||83||
Such hai Sai jaisa daani, mil na sakega jag mein,
Ansh iish ka Sai baba, unhe na kuch bhi mushkil jag mein. ||84||
Sneh, sheel, sojanya, aadi ka abhushan dharan kar,
Badta iss duniya mein jo bhi, manav sevaye path par. ||85||
Vahi jeet leta hai jagti, ke jan jan ka anthsthal,
Uski ek udasi hi jag ko kar deti hai vrihal. ||86||
Jab jab jug mein bhar paap ka bar bar ho jaata hai,
Usse mita ne ke hi khatir, avtari ho aata hai. ||87||
Paap aur anyaya sabhi kuch, iss jagti ka har ke,
Duur bhaga deta duniya ke danav ko shan bhar mein. ||88||
Sneh sudha ki dhar barasne, lagti hai duniya mein,
Gale paraspar milne lagte, jan jan hai aapas mein. ||89||
Aisse hee avtari Sai, mrityulok mein aakar,
Samta ka yeh paath paraya, sabko apna aap mitakar. ||90||
Naam dwarka masjid ka , rakha Shirdi ne,
Haap taap, suntaap mitaya, jo kuch aaya Sai ne. ||91||
Sada yaad mein mast ram ki, baithe rehte thai Sai,
Peher aath hee naam ram ka, bhajte rehte thai Sai. ||92||
Sookhee rookhee tazi baasi, chahe ya hovai pakvaan,
Sada pyar ke bhooke Sai ke, khatir thai sabhi samaan. ||93||
Sneh aur shradha se apni, jan jo kuch de jaate thay,
Bade chaav se uss bhojan ko, baba paavan karte thay. ||94||
Kabhi kabhi man behlane ko, baba baag mein jate thay,
Pramudit man nirukh prakrati, chatta ko veh hote thay. ||95||
Rang-birange pushp baag ke manam manam hil dul karke,
Beehar birane man mein bhi sneh salil bhar jate thai. ||96||
Aise su-madhur bela mein bhi, dukh aafat bipda kai maare,
Apne man ki vyatha sunane, jan rehte baba ko ghere. ||97||
Sunkar jinki karun katha ko, nayan kamal bhar aate thay,
De vibhuti har vyatha, shanti, unke uur mein bhar dete thay. ||98||
Jaane kya adhbut, shakti, uuss vibhuti mein hoti thi,
Jo dharan karke mastak par, dukh saara har leti thi. ||99||
Dhanya manuj veh sakshaat darshan, jo baba Sai ke paye,
Dhanya kamal kar unke jinse, charan kamal veh parsai. ||100||
Kaash nirbhaiy tumko bhi, saakshat Sai mil jaata,
Varshon se ujra chaman apna, phir se aaj khil-jata. ||101||
Gar pakar mein charan shri ke, nahi chorta umar bhar,
Mana leta mein jaroor unko gar rooth te Sai mujh par!! ||102||
FROM SAI my world
Pehle Sai ke charno mein, apna sheesh nivauo maiy,
Kaise Shirdi Sai aaye, saara haal sunau maiy. ||1||
Kaun hai mata, pita kaun hai, yeh na kisi ne bhi jaana,
Kaha janam Sai ne dhara, prashan paheli raha bana. ||2||
Koee kahe Ayodhya ke, yeh Ramchandra bhagvan hain,
Koee kehta Saibaba, pavan putra Hanuman hain. ||3||
Koee kehta mangal murti, Shri Gajanan hain Sai,
Koee kehta Gokul-Mohan Devki Nandan hain Sai. ||4||
Shanker samajh bhakt kaee to, baba ko bhajhte rahte,
Koee kahe avtar datt ka, pooja Sai ki karte. ||5||
Kuch bhi mano unko tum, pur sai hain sachche bhagvan,
Bade dayalu deen-bandhu, kitno ko diya jivan-daan. ||6||
Kaee varsh pehle ki ghatna, tumhe sunaunga mein baat,
Keesy bhagyashaali ki Shirdi mein aaee thi barat. ||7||
Aaya saath usi ke tha, baalak aik bahut sunder,
Aaya aaker vahin bus gaya, paavan Shirdi kiya nagar. ||8||
Kaee dino tak raha bhatakta, bhiksha maangi usne dar dar,
Aur dikhaee aisee leela, jug mein jo ho gaee amar. ||9||
Jaise-jaise umar badi, badti hee vaisy gaee shaan,
Ghar ghar hone laga nagar mein, Sai baba kaa gungaan. ||10||
Digdigant mein laga goonjane, phir to Saiji ka naam,
Deen-dhukhi ki raksha karna, yahi raha baba ka kaam. ||11||
Baba ke charno mein ja kar, jo kehta mein hoo nirdhan,
Daya usee par hoti unkee, khul jaate dhukh ke bandhan. ||12||
Kabhi kisee ne maangi bhiksha, do baba mujhko suntaan,
Aivom astoo tub kaihkar Sai de te thay usko vardaan. ||13||
Swayam dhukhi baba ho jaate, deen-dukhijan ka lukh haal,
Anteh: karan bhi Sai ka, sagar jaisa raha vishal. ||14||
Bhakt ek madrasi aaya, ghar ka bahut bada dhanvaan,
Maal khajana behadh uskaa, keval nahi rahi suntaan. ||15||
Laga manane Sainath ko, baba mujh per daya karo,
Junjha se junkrit naiya ko, tum hee mairee par karo. ||16||
Kuldeepak ke bina andhera, chchaya hua ghar mein mere,
Isee liye aaya hoon baba, hokar sharnagat tere. ||17||
Kuldeepak ke abhav mein, vyarth hai daulat ki maya,
Aaj bhikhari ban kar baba, sharan tumhari mein aaya, ||18||
De de mujhko putra-daan, mein rini rahoonga jivan bhar,
Aur kisi ki aas na mujko, siraf bharosa hai tum per. ||19||
Anunaye-vinaye bahut ki usne, charano mein dhar ke sheesh,
Tub prasana hokar baba ne, diya bhakta ko yeh aashish. ||20||
‘Allah bhala karega tera,' putra janam ho tere ghar,
Kripa rahegi tum per uski, aur tere uss balak per. ||21||
Ab tak nahi kisi ne paya, sai ki kripa ka paar,
Putra ratan de madrasi ko, dhanya kiya uska sansaar. ||22||
Tan-man se jo bhaje usi ka jug mein hota hai uddhar,
Sanch ko aanch nahi haiy koee, sada jooth ki hoti haar. ||23||
Mein hoon sada sahare uske, sada rahoonga uska daas,
Sai jaisa prabhu mila haiy, itni ki kum haiy kya aas. ||24||
Mera bhi din tha ik aisa, milti nahi mujhe thi roti,
Tan per kapda duur raha tha, sheish rahi nanhi si langoti, ||25||
Sarita sammukh hone per bhi mein pyasa ka pyasa tha,
Durdin mera mere ooper, davagani barsata tha. ||26||
Dharti ke atirikt jagat mein, mera kuch avalumbh na tha,
Bana bhikhari maiy duniya mein, dar dar thokar khata tha. ||27||
Aise mein ik mitra mila jo, param bhakt Sai ka tha,
Janjalon se mukt, magar iss, jagti mein veh bhi mujh sa tha. ||28||
Baba ke darshan ke khatir, mil dono ne kiya vichaar,
Sai jaise daya murti ke darshan ko ho gaiye taiyar. ||29||
Paavan Shirdi nagari mein ja kar, dhekhi matvaali murti,
Dhanya janam ho gaya ki humne jab dhekhi Sai ki surti. ||30||
Jabse kiye hai darshan humne, dukh sara kaphur ho gaya,
Sankat saare mite aur vipdaon ka ant ho gaya. ||31||
Maan aur sammaan mila, bhiksha mein humko baba se,
Prati bambit ho uthe jagat mein, hum Sai ki abha se. ||32||
Baba ne sammaan diya haiy, maan diya is jivan mein,
Iska hee sambal le mein, hasta jaunga jivan mein. ||33||
Sai ki leela ka mere, mun par aisa assar hua,
Lagta, jagti ke kan-kan mein, jaise ho veh bhara hua. ||34||
'Kashiram' baba ka bhakt, iss Shirdi mein rehta tha,
Maiy Sai ka Sai mera, veh duniya se kehta tha. ||35||
Seekar svayam vastra bechta, gram nagar bazaro mein,
Jhankrit uski hridh-tantri thi, Sai ki jhankaron se. ||36||
Stabdh nisha thi, thay soye, rajni aanchal me chand sitare,
Nahi soojhta raha hath ka, hath timiri ke mare. ||37||
Vastra bech kar lote raha tha, hai! Haath se 'kaashi',
Vichitr bada sanyoga ki uss din aata tha veh akaki. ||38||
Gher raah mein khare ho gaye, usse kutil, anyaayi,
Maaro kaato looto iski, hee dhvani pari sunaee. ||39||
Loot peet kar usse vahan se, kutil gaye champat ho,
Aaghaton se marmahat ho, usne di thi sangya kho. ||40||
Bahut der tak para raha veh, vahin usi halat mein,
Jaane kab kuch hosh ho utha, usko kisi palak mein. ||41||
Anjane hee uske muh se, nikal para tha Sai,
Jiski prati dhvani Shirdi mein, baba ko parri sunai. ||42||
Shubdh utha ho manas unka, baba gaye vikal ho,
Lagta jaise ghatna sari, ghati unhi ke sunmukh ho. ||43||
Unmadi se idhar udhar tab, baba lage bhatakne,
Sunmukh chizein jo bhi aiee, unkoo lage patkne. ||44||
Aur dhadhakte angaro mein, baba ne kar dala,
Huye sashankit sabhi vaha, lakh tandav nritya nirala. ||45||
Samajh gaye sab log ki koi, bhakt para sankat mein,
Shubit khare thai sabhi vaha par, pare huye vismaiye mein. ||46||
Usse bachane ke hi khatir, baba aaj vikal hai,
Uski hi piraa se pirit, unka ant sthal hai. ||47||
Itne me hi vidhi ne apni, vichitrata dhikhlayi,
Lukh kar jisko janta ko, shradha sarita lehrayee. ||48||
Lekar sanghya heen bhakt ko, gaari ek vaha aayee,
Sunmukh apne dekh bhakt ko, Sai ki aankhe bhar aayee. ||49||
Shant, dheer, gambhir sindhu sa, baba ka anthsthal,
Aaj na jane kyon reh-rehkar, ho jaata tha chanchal. ||50||
Aaj daya ki murti svayum tha bana hua upchaari,
Aur bhakt ke liye aaj tha, dev bana prati haari. ||51||
Aaj bhakti ki vishum pariksha mein, safal hua tha Kaashi,
Uske hee darshan ki khatir, thai umre nagar-nivasi. ||52||
Jab bhi aur jahan bhi koyee, bhakt pare sankat mein,
Uski raksha karne baba jate hai pulbhur mein. ||53||
Yug yug ka hai satya yeh, nahi koi nayee kahani,
Aapat grast bhakt jab hota, jate khudh antar yami. ||54||
Bhedh bhaav se pare pujari manavta ke thai sai,
Jitne pyare Hindu-Muslim uutne hi Sikh Isai. ||55||
Bhed bhaav mandir masjid ka tor phor baba ne dala,
Ram rahim sabhi unke thai, Krishan Karim Allah Tala. ||56||
Ghante ki pratidhvani se gunja, masjid ka kona kona,
Mile paraspar Hindu Muslim, pyar bada din din doona. ||57||
Chamatkar tha kitna sundar, parichaye iss kaya ne dee,
Aur neem karvahat mein bhi mithaas baba ne bhar dee. ||58||
Sabko sneha diya Sai ne, sabko suntul pyar kiya,
Jo kuch jisne bhi chaha, baba ne usko vahi diya. ||59||
Aise snehsheel bhajan ka, naam sada jo japa kare,
Parvat jaisa dhukh na kyoon ho, palbhar mein veh door tare. ||60||
Sai jaisa daata humne, aare nahi dekha koi,
Jiske keval darshan se hee, saari vipda door gayee. ||61||
Tan mein Sai, man mein Sai, Sai bhajha karo,
Apne tan ki sudh budh khokur, sudh uski tum kiya karo. ||62||
Jab tu apni sudh tajkur, baba ki sudh kiya karega,
Aur raat din baba, baba, baba hi tu rata karega. ||63||
To baba ko aare! vivash ho, sudh teri leni hee hogi,
Teri har icha baba ko, puree hee karni hogi. ||64||
Jungal jungal bhatak na pagal, aur dhundne baba ko,
Ek jagah keval Shirdi mein, tu paiga baba ko. ||65||
Dhanya jagat mein prani hai veh, jisne baba ko paya,
Dukh mein sukh mein prahar aath ho, sai ka hee gune gaya. ||66||
Gire sankat ke parvat, chahe bijli hi toot pare,
Sai ka le naam sada tum, sunmukh sub ke raho arre. ||67||
Iss budhe ki sunn karamat, tum ho jaoge hairaan,
Dang reh sunkar jisko, jane kitne chatur sujaan. ||68||
Ek baar Shirdi mein sadhu dhongi tha koi aaya,
Bholi bhali nagar nivasi janta ko tha bharmaya. ||69||
Jari, butiyan unhe dhikha kar, karne laga vaha bhashan,
Kehne laga sunno shrotagan, ghar mera hai vrindavan. ||70||
Aushadhi mere paas ek hai, aur ajab iss mein shakti,
Iske sevan karne se hi, ho jaati dukh se mukti. ||71||
Aggar mukta hona chaho tum, sankat se bimari se,
To hai mera numra nivaidan, har nar se har nari se, ||72||
Lo kharid tum isko, sevan vidhiyan hai nyari,
Yadyapi tuch vastu hai yeh, gun uske hai atisheh bhari. ||73||
Jo hai suntaan heen yeh yadi, meri aushdhi ko khaye,
Putra ratan ho parapat, aare aur veh mooh manga phal paye. ||74||
Aushadh meri jo na kharide, jeevan bhar pachtayega,
Mujh jaisa prani shayad hi, aare yaha aa payega. ||75||
Duniya do din ka mela hai, mauj shaunk tum bhi kar lo,
Gar is se milta hai, sub kuch, tum bhi isko le lo. ||76||
Hairani barti janta ki, lakh iski kaarastaani,
Pramudit veh bhi man hi man tha, lakh logo ki nadani. ||77||
Khabar suna ne baba ko yeh, gaya daud kar sevak ek,
Sun kar bhukuti tani aur, vismaran ho gaya sabhi vivek. ||78||
Hukum diya sevak ko, satvar pakar dusht ko lao,
Ya Shirdi ki seema se, kapti ko duur bhagao. ||79||
Mere rehte bholi bhali, shirdi ki janta ko,
Kaun neech aisa jo, sahas karta hai chalne ko. ||80||
Pulbhur mai hi aise dhongi, kapti neech lootere ko,
Maha naash ke maha gart mein, phahuncha doon jivan bhar ko. ||81||
Tanik mila aabhaas madari, krur kutil anyayi ko,
Kaal nachta hai ab sir par, gussa aaya Sai ko. ||82||
Pal bhar mein sab khel bandh kar, bhaga sir par rakh kar pairr,
Socha tha sabh hi ab, bhagvan nahi hai ab khair. ||83||
Such hai Sai jaisa daani, mil na sakega jag mein,
Ansh iish ka Sai baba, unhe na kuch bhi mushkil jag mein. ||84||
Sneh, sheel, sojanya, aadi ka abhushan dharan kar,
Badta iss duniya mein jo bhi, manav sevaye path par. ||85||
Vahi jeet leta hai jagti, ke jan jan ka anthsthal,
Uski ek udasi hi jag ko kar deti hai vrihal. ||86||
Jab jab jug mein bhar paap ka bar bar ho jaata hai,
Usse mita ne ke hi khatir, avtari ho aata hai. ||87||
Paap aur anyaya sabhi kuch, iss jagti ka har ke,
Duur bhaga deta duniya ke danav ko shan bhar mein. ||88||
Sneh sudha ki dhar barasne, lagti hai duniya mein,
Gale paraspar milne lagte, jan jan hai aapas mein. ||89||
Aisse hee avtari Sai, mrityulok mein aakar,
Samta ka yeh paath paraya, sabko apna aap mitakar. ||90||
Naam dwarka masjid ka , rakha Shirdi ne,
Haap taap, suntaap mitaya, jo kuch aaya Sai ne. ||91||
Sada yaad mein mast ram ki, baithe rehte thai Sai,
Peher aath hee naam ram ka, bhajte rehte thai Sai. ||92||
Sookhee rookhee tazi baasi, chahe ya hovai pakvaan,
Sada pyar ke bhooke Sai ke, khatir thai sabhi samaan. ||93||
Sneh aur shradha se apni, jan jo kuch de jaate thay,
Bade chaav se uss bhojan ko, baba paavan karte thay. ||94||
Kabhi kabhi man behlane ko, baba baag mein jate thay,
Pramudit man nirukh prakrati, chatta ko veh hote thay. ||95||
Rang-birange pushp baag ke manam manam hil dul karke,
Beehar birane man mein bhi sneh salil bhar jate thai. ||96||
Aise su-madhur bela mein bhi, dukh aafat bipda kai maare,
Apne man ki vyatha sunane, jan rehte baba ko ghere. ||97||
Sunkar jinki karun katha ko, nayan kamal bhar aate thay,
De vibhuti har vyatha, shanti, unke uur mein bhar dete thay. ||98||
Jaane kya adhbut, shakti, uuss vibhuti mein hoti thi,
Jo dharan karke mastak par, dukh saara har leti thi. ||99||
Dhanya manuj veh sakshaat darshan, jo baba Sai ke paye,
Dhanya kamal kar unke jinse, charan kamal veh parsai. ||100||
Kaash nirbhaiy tumko bhi, saakshat Sai mil jaata,
Varshon se ujra chaman apna, phir se aaj khil-jata. ||101||
Gar pakar mein charan shri ke, nahi chorta umar bhar,
Mana leta mein jaroor unko gar rooth te Sai mujh par!! ||102||
FROM SAI my world
Motivating messages
A short Story of Footprints In The Sand:-
One night I dreamed I was walking
Along the beach with the Lord.
Many scenes from my life flashed across the sky.
In each scene I noticed footprints in the sand.
Sometimes there were two sets of footprints.
Other times there were one set of footprints.
This bothered me because I noticed that
During the low periods of my life when I was
Suffering from anguish, sorrow, & defeat,
I could see only one set of footprints,
So I said to the Lord, "You promised me,
Lord, that if I followed You,
You would walk with me always.
But I noticed that during the most trying periods
Of my life there have only been
One set of prints in the sand.
Why, When I have needed You most,
You have not been there for me?"
The Lord replied,
"The times when you have seen only one set of footprints
Is when I carried You."
One night I dreamed I was walking
Along the beach with the Lord.
Many scenes from my life flashed across the sky.
In each scene I noticed footprints in the sand.
Sometimes there were two sets of footprints.
Other times there were one set of footprints.
This bothered me because I noticed that
During the low periods of my life when I was
Suffering from anguish, sorrow, & defeat,
I could see only one set of footprints,
So I said to the Lord, "You promised me,
Lord, that if I followed You,
You would walk with me always.
But I noticed that during the most trying periods
Of my life there have only been
One set of prints in the sand.
Why, When I have needed You most,
You have not been there for me?"
The Lord replied,
"The times when you have seen only one set of footprints
Is when I carried You."
Sunday, 9 October 2011
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