Monday 12 December 2011

kakad aarti with meaning

Shirdi saibaba Morning Arathi - Kaakad Arathi - approx 5.Am to 6.00 AM

Done with kindled cloth wicks,dipped in Ghee wrapped round wooden sticks.

Shri Satchitaanand Sadguru Sainaath Maharaaj ki Jai
Let us Hail! Shri Sachchidananda Sadguru Sainath Maharaj!


Composed by :: Sant Tukaram Maharaj

Joduniyaa kara charanee ttevilaa mathaa
Parisawee vinanthee maajzee Sadgurunaathaa

With folded hands, I lay my head at your feet. O Sadgurunatha, please listen to my entreaty

Aso naso bhaava aalo tujziyaa ttaayaa
Kripaa drishtee paahe majzakade Sadgururaayaa

Forever, I want to remain at your feet, grant me the place without any hesitancy.

Akhandeeta asaave aise vaatate paayee
Sandoonee sankoch ttaava todaasaa deyee.

Since I desire to be at your feet always, give me shelter, leaving aside all reservations.

Tukaahmane Devaa maajzee vedeevaakudee
Naame bhavapaasaa haathee aapulyaa thondi

Tuka says: In whatever haphazard and worthless way I call you O God, by your name, break my worldly shackles with your own hands.


Composed by :: Sant Janabai

Uttaa Paandurangaa aataa prabhaatasamayo paatalaa
Vaishnawaancha melaa garudapaaree daatalaa

Arise, O Panduranga (Vithal, Incarnation of Lord Vishnu at Pandharpur), it is now dawn. Vishnu’s devotees have gathered in large numbers at Garudpara (Eagle-shaped platform found in Vaishnava temples).

Garuda paaraapaasunee mahaadwaaraa payanta
Suravaraanchee maandee ubhee jodooniyaa haat

From the Garudpara (Eagle-shaped platform found in Vaishnava temples), right upto the main door, the assembly of the best of the deities stands with folded hands.

Suka anakaadika naarada tumbara bhaktanchyaa kotee
Trisool damaroo ghewooni wubhaa girijechaa patee

In the midst of large gathering are Shuka-Sanaka, Narada-Tumbar; and even Girija’s consort (Shankar) is standing there with trident and damru (sort of tabor shaped like an hour-glass).

Kaleeyugeechaa bhakta Namaa ubhaa keertanee
Paatteemaage wubhee dolaa laavuniyaa Janee

In these times of Kaliyug (The dark and troublesome Age of the present) Namdev is performing the kirtan (Praising the Lord with music and singing) and behind him stands Jani (Servant at Namdev’s house. She was dedicated to Pandurang) meditating on you with intensity.


Composed by :: Shri Krishna Jogiswar Bhishma

Utta utta Sri Sainaathaguru charana kamala daavaa
Aadhivyaadhi bhavataapa vaarunee taaraa jadajeevaa :(dhr):

Arise! Arise! Shri Sainarh Guru, show us your lotus feet. Tide over and relieve us of all worldly tensions, physical tribulations, and temporal problems; and, save us all.

Gelee tumha soduniyaa bhava tama rajanee vilayaa
Pareehi agnaanaasee tumachee bhulavi yogamaayaa
Sakthi na amhaa yatkinchitahee tijalaa saaraya
Tumheecha teete saaruni daavaa mukha jana taaraayaa

Dark worldly night has finished and left you. You are beyond all illusions. Yet the ignorant are deceived by these illusions (‘Yogmaya’). We do not have even the slightest of powers to ward off these illusions. You alone can grant salvation to the people by giving darshan (divine vision) of your divine face.

Bho Sainaatha Maharaaja bhava timiranaasaka ravee
Agnanee aamhee kitee tumhicha varnaava thoravee
Thee varnitaa bhaagale bahuvadani sesvidhi kavee

O, Lord Sainath Maharaj, you are the sun that destroys the darkness of ignorance of this world. How ignorant we are! You alone can describe your greatness. Even the great poets and thousand headed Seshnag (snake on which Lord Vishnu rests) are exhausted in their attempt to describe it.

Sakripa howuni mahimaa tumachaa tumheecha vadavaava Adhi….. Utha…..

Mercifully, therefore, O Lord you alone can describe your greatness. Tide over…

Bhakta manee sadbhaava dharooni je tumha anusarale,
Dhyaanyasthawa te darsana tumache dwwari ubhe ttele
Dhyaanasthaa tumha asa paahunee mana amuche ghaale,
Paree thwadvachanaamrith praasaayaate aatura jzhaale

The faithful devotees, who follow you with good intentions and feelings to have your darshan (Divine vision) are waiting at your doors. We are filled with contentment to see you in deep meditation, but we are eager to drink from you the nectar of your teachings.

Wughadoonee netrakamalaa deenabandhu Ramakaanta,
Paahi baa kripadrishtee baalakaa jashee maaataa
Ranjavee madhuravaanee haree taapa Sainaatha

Open you lotus eyes, Lord of the poor and destitute, Lord LaxmiPati (Vishnu) and look us at mercifully, as a mother looks at her child. Your enlightened words and sweet voice, remove all our sufferings, O Sainatha.

Aamhceecha aapule karyaasthava tuja kashtavito Deva
Sahana karisil te aikuni dyaavee bhett Krishna daava
Utha…… adhivyadhi

O, Lord, we trouble you with our own problems. Please bear with us, listen to us, and meet us, is Krishna’s (Composer of this portion of aarti) fervent prayer. Arise!… Arise!… Tide over…..


Composed by :: Sant Namdev

Utta Panduranga aataa darash dhya sakala
Jzhala arunodaya sarali nidrechi vela

Arise, Pandurang (Viithal, Incarnation of Vishnu, at Pandharpur) now give Darshan (divine vision) to all. It is sunrise, and the time to sleep is past.

Sant sadhu muni avaghe jhaleti ghola
Soda sheje sukhe aata bagdu ghya mukha kamala

The saints, sadhus, sages all have gathered. Now leave the comfort of your bed and show us your lotus face.

Rang mandapi mahadwari jzzaalise daati
Man utaaveel roop pahawaya drishti.

A big crowd is gathered in the pandal upto the main gate. Everyone is eager at heart to see your handsome face.

Rahee rakhumabai tumha yewoo dya daya
Sheje haalawunee jage kara Dev raya

Rahi (Radha surrendered to the incarnation of Saguna avatar of Pandurang), Rakhumabai (Rukmini, consort of Pandurang) have pity on us. Shake the bed a little, so that it wakes up the Lord.

Garud Hanumant ubhe paahatee wat
Swargiche surwar ghewuni aale bobhat

Garud and Hanumant are standing and waiting. The gods and goddesses are singing. And acclaiming your glory.

Zhale muktha dwar laabha zhala rokada
Vishnudas naama ubha ghewooni kakada.

The doors have opened and we have received the unparalleled reward of your Darshan. Vishnu’s devoted slave Nama is standing with the Kakda (Kindled cloth wicks wrapped around wooden sticks).

5. ABHANG Aarti with Five-Wick Lamp

Composed by :: Shri Krishna Jogiswar Bhishma

Ghewuniya panchaarati, karoo Babansi aarati
Taking the five-wick lamp, I do Baba’s Arati. Sai’s Aarti. I do Baba’s Aarti.
Utta utta ho bandhawa. Owaaloo ha Ramadhava.

Wake up! Wake up! Oh my brethren. Let us offer Aarti to Rakhmadhava (Consort of Ram i.e. Vishnu). Sai Ramadhava. Let us do Arati to Rakhmadhava.

Karooniya sthira man, pahu gambhirira he dhyan
Sayeeche he dhyan pahu gambhirira he dhyan

With concentration, let us see a glimpse of the meditative figure. Let us see a glimpse of Sai’s meditative figure. Let us have an exalted glimpse of the meditative figure

Krishnanatha Datt Sai jado chitta tujze paayee
Chitta Deva paayee Jado chitta tuzhe paayee

Krishna-Natha! Datta Sai! Enjoin our minds to your feet. Lord, to your feet enjoin our minds. Enjoin our minds to your feet.


Composed by:: Shri Krishna Jogiswar Bhishma

Kaakad aarati kareeto Sainatha deva
Chinmaya roop daakhavee ghewuni balak laghu seva

Let me do Kaakad Aarti, in the early morning hours, O Lord Sainath! Show me your pure, intelligent and handsome form, and accept this insignificant service from me, your child.

Kaam krodh mad matsar aattunee kaakada kela
Vairagyache toop ghaaluni mee to bhijaveela

I have compressed and entwined lust, anger, ego, envy and made them into a wick for the lamp; and soaked it into the ghee (clear butter) of asceticism that I have poured.

Sainath Guru bakti jwalane to mee petawila
Tad vryitti jaluni guroo ne prakash paadila
Dwaita tama naasooni milavi tatswaroopi jeewa
Chinmaya …. Kaakad…. Aarati….

I have lit it with the spark of devotion for Sainath Guru(Master).. After burning up the vices, the Guru has shed the light on me. Destroy the darkness of duality and merge me in thy Self.
Show me ……. I do Arati…….. Show me………..

Bhoochar khechar vyaapooni awaghe hritkamali raahasee
Tochi dattaadev tu shridi raahuni paawasee
Rahooni yethe anayatrahitoo baktaastava dhavasee
Nirasooniyaa sankata daasaa anubhawa daavisee
Na kale twalleelahee konyaa devaa waaa maanavaa
Chinmaya …. Kaakad…. Aarati….

Pervading the entire universe, you also make your abode in every living being’s heart. You are also the Datta deity, who lives in Shirdi and blesses us. Though you abide at Shirdi, you also race elsewhere for the sake of your devotees. After obliterating every trace of their troubles you give your devotees your experiences. Neither the gods nor human beings can understand your divine play (Leela).
Show me ……. I do Arati …… Show me…..

Twat yasha dundubheene saare ambar he kondale
Sagun murti paahanyaa aatur jan Shirdee aale
Proshuni twadvachanaamrita aamuche dehabhaan haarpale
Sodooniyaa durabhimaan maanas twaccharanee waahile
Kripa karooniya Sai maawle daas padari ghyaawaa


  1. Thanks for sharing Sai Baba Kakad aarti with meaning. This is my favourite aarti.

  2. Can anyone post the meaning of utha utha sakal jana ....portion of kakad aarti...

  3. feel so complete after reading the meaning of aarti. I'd been doing kakada aarti since 2010 but always felt wanting to understand more as could not understand Marathi fully. Blessings of Baba shower now!

  4. Few translations are still missing though :(

    1. Om Sai Ram
      Thank you for your detailed explanation of Aarti

  5. Dhoop Aarti meaning in Kannada

  6. Thank you, om sai ram. Definitely helps every individual who's looking out to know the meaning of kakad aarti 🙏

  7. Thankyou very very much for this beautiful Aarti and its meaning!

  8. Thank you for sharing the translation of this beautiful Aarti.
    Om Sairam

  9. Thanks so much i now understand meaning of kakad aarati om sai ram

  10. Thank you for explaining the kakad Aarti in such a wonderful way. Om Sai Ram.

  11. Kakad Aarti is performed as morning prayer in Shirdi Sai Baba Temple. read Marathi - Hindi Language Visit kakad Aarti
